Tea farmers told to diversify production

By Ken Langat.

Tea farmers have been asked to diversify farm production in order to enhance their source of income.
Kenya Midland Sacco Chief Executive Officer, Robert Rotich (pictured) said that most of the farmers are affected during unfavourable weather conditions and market price conditions.
Rotich who attributed high rate of defaulting among members to such unfavourable conditions said they have rolled out a campaign to educate members on the need to explore other income generating business ventures.
Speaking to Sacco Review in his office at Silibwet in Bomet County revealed that the bulk of its members take tea farming as their main source income which he noted was suicidal.
“We are encouraging our members to venture into short term farm productions and explore informal sector (Jua kali) opportunities as alternative sources of income instead of relying on tea only,” he said.
The campaign he said provided them with opportunity to educate farmers not only on the need to patronize their Sacco but to equip them with necessary skills as they venture into the new businesses.
Rotich, however, warned defaulters to service their loans or risk being enlisted with Credit Reference Bureau (CRB).

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