By Tsozungu Kombe
African Confederation of Cooperatives Savings and Credit Associations (ACCOSCA) has established Africa Co-operative Development Fund (ACDF) to support programmes and activities in the co-operative movement.
Speaking during the 20th Annual SACCA Congress in Mombasa County, ACCOSCA Chairman Cambridge Mdlalose said the organization has also been reaching members through african development educators programme.
“We have intensified our advocacy role by actively engaging regulators to build confidence towards the Sacco business model,” he said.
He noted that through the education programme members have been able to share knowledge and learn from the best practices in the world.
He said that ACCOSCA invites government officials annually from different countries to a round table workshop.
Its active members grew from 9 in 2017 to 11 in 2018, while associate members increased from 13 members to 19 members in the same period.
“Our aim is actually to increase the numbers to 15 regular active members and 25 associate members by the end of 2020,” he said.
He said ACCOSCA has made interventions in Tanzania, Ethiopia, Zimbabwe, Ghana, Botswana and Malawi to strengthen the co-operative movement.