Sacco Review

Cabinet Secretary for East African Community, Arid Lands and Regional Development Peninah Malonza engages in conversation with Kitui County Commissioner Kipchumba Ruto during a fundraiser to help Kitui Women Self Help Group on February 24, 2024 in Kitui. Photo: Boniface Muli

Minister pledges to support Kitui women self help groups

The East African Community, Arid Lands and Regional Development Cabinet Secretary Peninah Malonza on Saturday, February 24, 2024 led a funds drive in aid of some 65 women groups from Kitui County. The event took place at the Kenya Forestry Research Institute (KEFRI) Kitui Regional Research Centre where the Cooperatives and Micro, Small and Medium…

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Simon Chelugui (centre), Cabinet Secretary for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise Development and Patrick Kilemi Principal Secretary Cooperatives (right), welcomed to the 51st AGM of the Kenya National Police DT SACCO by National Chairman of the SACCO David Mategwa. Photo: Felix Wanderi

Cooperatives asked to adopt technology, strategic innovations for excellence

Savings and Credit Co-operatives Societies (Saccos) have been called upon by the Government to embrace innovation and devise strategies that will propel cooperatives towards continued excellence. Speaking during the Kenya National Police DT SACCO 51st Annual Delegates Meeting held in Serena hotel in Nairobi this February, Simon Chelugui Cabinet Secretary for Cooperatives, Micro, Small and…

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Embrace technology to increase visibility, Chelugui advises Saccos

Savings and Credit Cooperative Societies (Saccos) across the country have been challenged to embrace innovation and technology. The Cabinet Secretary for Cooperatives and Macro Small and Medium Development Simon Chelugui noted that doing so will help Saccos to increase their accessibility and visibility. He was addressing the 9th Annual Sacco Leaders Convention Meeting in Mombasa…

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Market Day Traders Savings and Cooperative Society members during the AGM at Aram market in February 2024.

One-year-old Sacco becomes youngest to hold AGM this year

The Market Day Traders Savings and Cooperative Society has become the youngest to hold an Annual General Meeting (AGM) this year. The fast growing Sacco which is barely one-year-old has surprised players in the cooperative industry due to its fast paced growth in the fast changing trends within the sub sector. According to the Chairman…

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Kisumu's Mowlem bus park.

Why Kisumu City manager ordered PSVs out of petrol stations

Kisumu City Manager Abala Wanga has ordered all Public Services Vehicles (PSVs) operating and has offices within petrol stations, to cease their operations in such places effective March 10, 2024. In a signed Statutory Public Notice, Wanga said the move is one of the ongoing efforts to enhance the efficiency and orderliness of public transport…

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Taita Taveta County ACK Diocese bishop, Rt. Rev. Liverson Mung'onda (left) addressing the press in February 2024. He is flanked by Five Talents Board Chairman RT. Rev. Dr. Joseph Muchai.

Join Saccos to secure affordable loans, NGO tells Taita Taveta residents

Five Talents Kenya (FTK) Board Chairman Rt. Rev. Dr. Joseph Muchai has asked the residents of Taita Taveta County to consider joining Cooperative Societies which he said will go a long way in uplifting their lives through affordable loans. “While in Sacco, it’s very easy for you to get a loan unlike when you need…

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Mumias Sugar Company entrance.

Cane farmers want to be paid KSh6,050 per tonne

Cane farmers have told Sugar millers that they won’t accept less than KSh6050 per tonne for cane delivered to the factories for milling. The farmers declared that the payment per ton as from this month (February) will only be reviewed upwards and not downwards as has been the trend for many years. The sentiments were…

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Amica Sacco Chairman Hezron Muchira

Murang’a Assembly advised to make laws that will empower Cooperatives

The co-operative sector is one of the key economic drivers which contribute hugely to social and economic development in Murang’a County. In this consideration, the Murang’a County Assembly has been challenged to craft legal frameworks which would enable this crucial sector to upscale performance. According  to the chairman  of Amica Sacco  Society, Hezron Muchiri,  county…

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Lake Victoria Tourism Association Chairman Robinson Anyal speaks in Kisumu during the 10th Nyanza Region Hotel Suppliers Expo concluded recently.

Western tourism circuit on the road to recovery

The Western Kenya tourism circuit is now on the recovery path following the shocks of the COVID-19 pandemic. It has realized remarkable gains signified by the number of new hotels and conference facilities sprouting up to meet the demand of the rising number of visitors in the region. Lake Victoria Tourism Association Chairman Robinson Anyal…

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Filgona Ooko, the Director in the State Department for Crops Development who was representing the PS, speaks to journalists after the launch of subsidized fertilizers at Voi NCPB deport recently.

Taita Taveta farmers asked to register for subsidized fertilizers

Farmers in Taita Taveta County have been asked to take advantage of the subsidized fertilizer programme sponsored by the government to maximize food production ahead of the planting season. Speaking during the flagging off of the subsidized fertilizer at Voi National Cereals and Produce Board (NCPD) deport in Voi, Chief of Staff (CCO) for Agriculture,…

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