Retired teacher reaps from farming, thanks to Eco-Pillar Sacco

Retired teacher Simon Kabui Kabosh invested heavily in farming using loans he borrowed after saving with Eco-Pillar Sacco. The man who retired in January this year taught in many schools in West Pokot County and retired while serving as the head-teacher of Propoi Primary School. He lives in Aruba village, Sinyerere Scheme, Cherangany Sub County…

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County to train Coop leaders on prudent management

Nyeri County government will train all cooperative society officials to enhance prudent management in the sector. Governor Mutahi Kahiga said the training will be done annually. “We shall be getting all the board members from coffee, milk cooperatives and Saccos among others and train them so that their management and governance skills are enhanced,” he…

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Tea farmers receive Ksh10 B loans from Greenland Fedha Limited

Greenland Fedha Limited, a subsidiary of Kenya Tea Development Agency (KTDA), has issued loans worth Ksh10 billion this year compared to the Ksh5 billion it disbursed to small scale tea farmers the year before. The high amount issued follows the company’s move to deep slash the interest rates in December 2021. Greenland Fedha Limited Chairman…

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Siaya KNCCI loans

Siaya traders receive loans from KNCCI

Small-scale traders in Siaya County have received business loans from Kenya National Chamber of Commerce and Industry’s (KNCCI) MasterCard programme.  The KNCCI Siaya branch Chairperson Mrs. Roseline Omuga said the first group of traders at Kambare trading center in Gem sub-county have received a minimum of Ksh30,000 interest-free loans.  She encouraged more traders from across…

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Issue more loans to farmers to increase agricultural production, Govt urged

Bishop Meshach Mukwili of the Africa Brotherhood Church has urged both the national and county governments to provide more soft loans to farmers to enable them expand farms, create employment and boost food production. Speaking during a leaders’ forum in Wote Church, the bishop also reiterated that there is need for farmers to embrace technology so…

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Embu County targets to enroll all adults in cooperatives

Embu County has targeted to have all its adult population in cooperative societies. County Director of Cooperatives David Muriuki said sector stakeholders in the county are focused on recruiting 600,000 members, which the approximate number of people in the adult bracket. He said the cooperative movement in Embu controls up to Ksh14 billion in liquid…

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