Amica Sacco boss dreams big on the future

By Kage Njoroge. James Kimani Mbui the Chief Executive Officer of Muranga-based Amica Sacco Ltd, formerly Murata Sacco is considered one of the captains in the Sacco industry with vast experience. Considered one of the best performing Chief Executives, the 48-year- old Mbui begun his journey in the Sacco industry more than 26 years ago…

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Solution Sacco Registers Tremendous Growth

By Wesley Ken. Solution Sacco Limited reported exponential growth in the year ended 31st December, 2016. This is amid challenges and stiff competition in the Financial Environment. This impressive performance is a culmination of prudent management, provision of market driven products, seminars, excellent customer service and rigorous marketing. Total assets shot up from about Sh2.9…

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Goodway Sacco expands loan programme

Goodway Sacco has started a bodaboda loan scheme for the youths aimed at enabling them acquire bodabodas to start income generating activities. Targeted are those who are been employees of other bodaboda owners. The repayment for the loan is Sh200 per day. The beneficiaries must be in a group of at least three operators or…

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County to revive collapsed Saccos

By Joyce Mong’are. Nyandarua’s Industrialization and Co-operatives Executive Judy Nyambura recently announced plans to revive collapsed cooperative societies in the County. Speaking in OlKalou recently Nyambura noted that 15 societies had already been revived in the last one year and 30 more were lined up for the same. Nyandarua has a turnover of more than…

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Milk coolant for Muguga dairy farmers

By Esther Chesoro. KiambuGovernor William Kabogo recently commissioned a 5000 litrecoolant and milk pasteurizer at Muguga Dairy FarmersCooperative Society in KabeteConstituency. Christened ‘Kiambu County Milk Value Addition Project’, the move is intended to improve the quality of dairy farming from simple milk production to manufacturing of a variety of cheese, yogurt and other dairy products….

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Sacco industry rakes in Sh47.4 billion

By Jackson Okoth. Kenya’s Sacco sector earned Sh40.4 billion as income from loans, Sh 2.3 billion from investments and Sh 4.7 billion as other incomes, raking in a total income of Sh47.4 billion. This is according to The Kenya Financial Sector Stability Report, 2015 prepared jointly by Central Bank of Kenya, Capital Markets Authority, Insurance…

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