Kisumu cooperatives

Kisumu CEC lauds cooperatives for transforming lives

Kisumu County Executive Committee Member (CEC) for Trade, Tourism, Industry and Cooperatives Farida Salim has lauded the cooperative movement for positively impacting on the economic stability of their membership. Salim, who was the chief guest during the county’s Ushirika Day celebrations, said the movement had experienced tremendous growth in terms of increased membership and savings….

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Saccos declaring questionable dividends, bonuses, says KSPC

Cooperative sector practitioners have expressed concerns over the manner in which Saccos and cooperatives are declaring dividends and interest on deposits, as well as honoraria payments. Through Kenya Society of Professional Co-operators (KSPC), the practitioners observed that there are a lot of malpractices among cooperatives in the way dividends, interest on deposits and honoraria are…

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The transformative impact of Saccos on community wellbeing

Saccos have emerged as a vital force in Kenya, making a significant positive impact on communities. With their roots in the cooperative movement, Saccos have evolved into inclusive financial institutions that cater for diverse sectors, including agriculture and technology. Beyond financial services, Saccos also contribute to women empowerment and sustainable development. In a country where…

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SACCO Saccos

How Saccos maintain a delicate balance in the group lending model

The group lending model has increasingly become popular among Saccos and Micro-Finance Institutions (MFIs) in recent years. This is largely based on its ability to leverage on joint liability and increased loan repayments while promoting entrepreneurial spirit among borrowers. Group lending methodology is a unique financial service for low income entrepreneurs. To obtain such a…

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SASRA: Saccos have 21 days to address members’ complaints

Sacco Societies Regulatory Authority (SASRA) has issued new guidelines on complaints management by cooperatives. According to the new guidelines, Saccos have only 21 days to investigate and solve members’ complaints. The days will be split into two; 14 working days for carrying out investigations into complaints and an additional seven days to communicate to members…

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Issue more loans to farmers to increase agricultural production, Govt urged

Bishop Meshach Mukwili of the Africa Brotherhood Church has urged both the national and county governments to provide more soft loans to farmers to enable them expand farms, create employment and boost food production. Speaking during a leaders’ forum in Wote Church, the bishop also reiterated that there is need for farmers to embrace technology so…

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