
Saccos emerge from Covid-19 morass

By Sammy Chivanga Savings and Credit Cooperative Societies (Saccos) are recording a sharp rise in demand for development loans after the Covid-19 slump. Most Saccos are now happy that members have emerged from the Covid-19 morass that had left the cooperative movement with a lot of liquidity. The demand for development loans is in sharp…

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New technology to boost agri-business in counties

By Kiprono Moi Use of modern technology will boost farmers’ activities and improve on their income. This was the overriding message during the 10th Agribusiness Expo organized by Rift Valley Institute of Science and Technology (RVIST). The two-day exhibition was characterized by new technological innovations and attracted thousands of participants eager to learn new farming…

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Co-operative sector receives Sh 4.6bn

By Jackson Okoth The State Department for Co-op­eratives has received increased fund­ing in the financial year 2019/2020, to enable it finalize review of the Na­tional Cooperative Policy, Coopera­tive Societies Act and provide support for the coffee and dairy industry. The Department is expected to build capacity of County Govern­ments to ensure it handles the Co-op­eratives…

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Take loans, youth told

By Kamundia Muriithi. The youth have been told to join and take loans from Savings and Credit Cooperative Societies (Saccos). Biashara Sacco Marketing Manager, George Njuguna advised the youth from Embu County to join Saccos so that they can qualify for loans. “By joining Saccos, youths can easily access loans to undertake various socio-economic projects,”…

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