Do cooperatives still value the democratic member control principle?

As a financial year comes to an end, cooperatives need to review the year’s performance through the annual general meetings. Cooperatives are democratic organizations that are controlled by members, who actively participate in setting policies and making decisions. Members are the source of all authority and the basic unit of democratic control. Members need to…

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Ruto launches second phase of Hustler Fund targeting registered groups

President William Ruto has officially launched the second phase of the Financial Inclusion Fund (Hustler Fund) that targets registered groups. Speaking in Embu town during the 60th Madaraka Day celebrations, the president said the groups can qualify for loans up to millions of shillings. He pointed out that the groups will be used as collaterals…

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KUSCCO drafts memorandum opposing controversial 2023 Finance Bill

Kenya Union of Savings & Credit Co-operatives Ltd (KUSCCO) has rejected the provisions of the controversial 2023/2024 finance bill, arguing that its implementation has far reaching consequences in the operations of Saccos. Through a memorandum dated May 22, 2023 and received by the national assembly, the union noted that issues contained in the Finance Bill…

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KUSCCO presents memoranda on tax matters affecting SACCOS

Kenya Union of Savings & Credit Co-operatives Ltd (KUSCCO) has presented their memoranda on tax matters affecting Saccos in Kenya where they have said that there will be implications under the current tax law provisions.  Saccos with corporate members would lose the tax benefit of exemption. Interest income from members and 50% for the interest…

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Use the Coop value systems to stand out from other business models, sector told

Cooperatives Commissioner David Obonyo has urged the sector to be guided by the values and principles of the cooperative movement in their operations, with a view to standing out from other business models. Addressing Sacco leaders during a Cooperative Alliance of Kenya (CAK) conference recently, Obonyo noted that the core mandate of CAK is to…

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How proposed extension services law will revitalize Agriculture sector

The government plans to revive agricultural extension services through the Agricultural and Livestock Extension Services Bill, 2022, which when passed into law, will establish the Agricultural and Livestock Extension Service (ALES). The corporate body will be mandated to enhance the competitiveness of the agriculture and food industries and increase their long-term productivity. It doing this,…

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