How proposed extension services law will revitalize Agriculture sector

The government plans to revive agricultural extension services through the Agricultural and Livestock Extension Services Bill, 2022, which when passed into law, will establish the Agricultural and Livestock Extension Service (ALES). The corporate body will be mandated to enhance the competitiveness of the agriculture and food industries and increase their long-term productivity. It doing this,…

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Saccos mull ways to address non-remittance of funds

Employer based Saccos  must now  adopt alternative methods to generate income and remain afloat even during difficult economic times rather than relying on the unreliable employers who might remit their employees deduction at their own volition, leaving the societies at the verge of collapse when they cannot support their operations. “Non -remittance of the dues…

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What will happen at Co-operative Court if proposed bill will be enacted into law?

Disputes in co-operative sector will now be handled by the Co-operative Court which will stand on its own aside from the existing Co-operative Tribunal, if the draft bill will be enacted into law. The Draft Co-operative Bill, 2021 which if enacted into law will repeal the long-term Co-operative Societies Act which was enacted in December…

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Saccos should self-regulate to stem ineptitude

The National Cooperative Policy that has since transmuted into Sessional Paper No 4 of 2020 advocates for, among other things, the adoption of self-regulation by the cooperative sector as it grapples to find its space in the highly competitive business environment. Self-regulation is intended to create a paradigm shift in the manner cooperative management is…

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Proposed bill to split cooperatives into four-tier structure

The proposed Co-operative bill will see the transformation of Co-operatives in the country into a four-tier structure of primary, secondary, co-operative federations and apex co-operatives. According to the Draft Co-operatives Societies Act 2021, Primary Co-operatives, which may admit into its membership a corporate or an unincorporated person, shall include producer, housing, Saccos, savings and investment,…

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101st Ushirika Day celebrations to be held on July 1

Cooperative movement stakeholders are gearing up to celebrate the 101st International Day of Cooperatives (Ushirika Day) on July 1, 2023 at the Kenyatta International Convention Centre (KICC). The event which is themed “Cooperatives for Sustainable Development” will be graced by President William Ruto as the chief guest. Since 1923, cooperatives from around the world have…

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Governor urges Cooperative members to embrace potato farming

Uasin Gishu Governor Jonathan Bii has challenged Ainabkoi Farmers’ Cooperative Society members to embrace potato farming owing to the current good climate that favours the growth of the crop. He was speaking recently after visiting the cooperative society accompanied by Netherlands Deputy Ambassador to Kenya H.E Joris Bommel and Warehouse Receipting System (WRS) Acting CEO…

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