Inter-Sacco information sharing necessary to tame Cyber-crime threats

By David Kipkorir In a competitive corporate world, mostly driven by commercial interests, no stakeholder alone can sustainably identify and address all the cyber threats of the fast‐changing digital landscape. A cooperative becomes need of the hour to improve the overall collective cyber-resilience of the digital ecosystem. Intelligence sharing between stakeholders of cyber security is…

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Time for co-operatives to engage more professionals

By Paul Ngugi Ruo Human resource practices, both individual and organizational play an integral role in the growth or failure of any organization. It’s important to note that human actions are the greatest contributor towards any organization’s success and this is a key area that can’t be ignored in the cooperative sector. In Kenya today…

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Why small, struggling cooperatives should merge

By David Kipkorir Mergers, consolidations, acquisitions and federations are not new to cooperatives. Over the years, numerous cooperative leaders, management consultants, bankers and university researchers have urged cooperatives in Kenya to consider extensive reorganization and consolidation. Yet to many, such actions remain feared and misunderstood. Some view such  acts as last resorts for the survival…

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Digital evolution in Saccos must reflect customer experiences

By David Kipkorir The coronavirus pandemic has induced a shift in cooperatives’ needs that will disrupt the movement ecosystem. As the world grapples with the pandemic, Savings and Credit Co-operative Society (Saccos) businesses have to reposition themselves to align with the demands of the “new normal”. Prioritizing good governance, digitalizing Saccos, and maintaining excellent and…

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Cooperatives must refocus on original purpose and spirit

By Paul Ngugi Ruo Cooperation means living, thinking and working together. It is therefore important to uphold the socialist theme for effective running of cooperatives. Co-operation is based on the principal of self-help through mutual help, service above self and abolition of profits. Therefore, cooperative management is unique in its own way despite the fact…

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Cooperative autonomy and identity vital for their survival

By Fred Sitati One basic characteristic that distinguishes companies from cooperatives is that companies are associations of capital while cooperatives are associations of persons. Additionally, while companies strive to maximize profits for their shareholders, the same cannot be said of primary cooperatives that are voluntary self-help organizations that aim to solve members’ socio-economic and cultural…

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The essence of networking in private practice, formal employment

By Victor Ochieng’ Networking, also known as self-marketing or social-marketing, entails circulating in business functions on a social level to create a wonderful web of useful connections. The basic philosophy of networking is ‘living is giving’. The heartbeat of networking is people caring about each other. As Theodore Roosevelt put it aptly, ‘People don’t care how much…

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Lackluster performance of some cooperatives reason for State expropriation

By Fred Sitati In the recent past, the cooperative movement has lost two flagship cooperative institutions to the state through expropriation. These cooperatives are Kenya Cooperative Creameries (KCC) and Kenya Planters Cooperative Union (KPCU). KCC was renamed New KCC while KPCU was rebranded to New KPCU Ltd. The new effect of this change is   that…

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