Government should bring back arbitration to solve cooperatives disputes

One of the key reforms introduced in the judicial system by the 2010 constitution was the implementation of Alternative Dispute Resolution mechanisms (ADR), which aimed to settle disputes in various sectors, including cooperatives. During the era of the Cooperative Societies Act, 1966, I vividly recall how cooperative disputes were resolved through a process known as…

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How to get reluctant youth to join Saccos

The best choice for the youth to achieve the much sought after financial empowerment is for them to join good Saccos. Offering young entrepreneurs admission into Saccos and other accelerators alleviates the risk and fear that comes with taking the leap into entrepreneurship alone. Enterpreneurhsip is an area where many youth have feasible ideas about…

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Opinion: Prudent planning key to success of cooperatives

Cooperatives today have become very important drivers of personal financial growth and the route to members’ economic empowerment. Since the first cooperative society was formed in Kenya and its subsequent success, both the private and public sectors embraced them as vehicles to financial breakthrough. Cooperatives must adopt the best policies, bylaws and strategies because good…

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Opinion: The merits of training Sacco staff

The fifth cooperative principle of education, training and information encourages Cooperative societies to hold education days through which members, stakeholders and the public are made to understand their operations. Staff training is an important strategy for any Sacco that wants to achieve its set goals. There might be a possibility that the staff hired in our…

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Why cooperators must seal all loopholes to build image of sector

The importance of Saccos as suitable vehicles for mobilising local savings and extending affordable credit to their members requires no belabouring. The impact of the Sacco movement on the country’s economy has over the years been hailed as significant and a success story in the region and beyond. Stories abound that some big Saccos are…

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‘Worker Cooperatives’ key to actualization of the Hustlers Agenda

The Kazi Mtaani Programme was launched in April 2020 to cushion the unemployed youth from the adverse effects of the Covid-19 pandemic across the 1450 wards in the country. Those recruited into the programme mainly engaged in menial jobs in urban areas.  Though the programme was at times characterized by intermittent delays in payments, it…

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Why effective communication to  Sacco members is important

One of the most important things a Sacco should do to succeed is to focus on elaborate flow of information. Sacco leaders should ask themselves the extent to which members have access to necessary information about their Sacco. It is important for members to know everything about their Sacco right from their savings, loans eligibility,…

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The transformative impact of Saccos on community wellbeing

Saccos have emerged as a vital force in Kenya, making a significant positive impact on communities. With their roots in the cooperative movement, Saccos have evolved into inclusive financial institutions that cater for diverse sectors, including agriculture and technology. Beyond financial services, Saccos also contribute to women empowerment and sustainable development. In a country where…

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SACCO Saccos

How Saccos maintain a delicate balance in the group lending model

The group lending model has increasingly become popular among Saccos and Micro-Finance Institutions (MFIs) in recent years. This is largely based on its ability to leverage on joint liability and increased loan repayments while promoting entrepreneurial spirit among borrowers. Group lending methodology is a unique financial service for low income entrepreneurs. To obtain such a…

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Opinion: Counties must create favourable policies for sector growth

Cooperatives are a great asset to the attainment of sustainable development goals. They create an enabling environment for personal development and improvement of quality of life. The 101ST Ushirika Day is now behind us, but we must continue acknowledging the role cooperatives have played as enablers of accelerated sustainable development. Globally, cooperatives have contributed immensely…

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