SACCO Saccos

Opinion: Make your managerial communication effective

In a fast changing and dynamic labour market, it is essential for employees to embrace effective communication for better understanding and as well increase productivity at workplace. Employees who often than not tend to do everything on their own, will basically get overburdened to the extent of eventually getting fatigued to the level of failing…

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Cooperative autonomy, identity vital for movement’s survival

One basic characteristic that distinguishes companies from cooperatives is that companies are associations of capital while cooperatives are associations of persons. Additionally, while companies strive to maximize profits for their shareholders, the same cannot be said of primary cooperatives that are voluntary self-help organizations that aim to solve members’ socio-economic and cultural needs. At the…

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Why Saccos must adopt technology to fill performance gaps

Savings and Credit Cooperatives (Saccos) must leverage on technology in order to remain relevant in highly competitive and dynamic financial world. Sector leadership must innovate and take advantage of the many resources that are available to assist and secure the stability and future of Saccos and build prospects, wealth and impact positively on members. The…

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SACCO Saccos

How liberalization reversed gains in the coffee sub-sector

The liberalization of the coffee sub-sector in the country continues posing a serious sustainability threat to the primary coffee co-operative societies across the country, following smallholder farmers hawking their coffee beans to middle-men and dealers instead of delivering the same to their primary co-operative societies. What started as a bubble in the cup of coffee turned out to be…

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SACCO Saccos

Why personal financial literacy is important

Personal finance refers to a financial management process which an individual or a family unit engages in to budget, save and spend financial resources over a given period of time considering various financial risks and future life events and expectations.  Financial experts argue that personal finance literacy is critical to help an individual make rational…

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The gist of developing new products that meet members’ needs

Products and services are the lifeblood of Saccos hence investing in them is crucial to business growth and profitability. Saccos most often come up with new products due to changes in member preference, increasing competition, advances in technology or to capitalize on new opportunities. Innovative cooperatives thrive by understanding their members’ wants, making smart product…

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