County to offer technical advice to Saccos

By Tsozungu kombe County Co-operative commissioner Mary Mkare has said county administration will continue to offer technical support to Saccos in the region. Mkare said the county will also provides capacity building and training programmes for the officials of newly registered Saccos to enable them offer effective service to members. She asked all Saccos to…

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Imarika Foundation bails out bright, needy students

By Kese Werugha Imarika Foundation has donated Sh250, 000 toward supporting four needy but bright students in Kilifi, Tana River, Kwale and Lamu Counties. The foundation is supported by Imarika Savings and Credit Co-operative Society (formerly Kilifi Teachers Sacco) that operates in the four counties. The foundation chairman Renson Ndoro said the fund was set…

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Kilifi County Co-op members’ deposits shoot up

By Tsozungu Kombe Kilifi County Cooperative members have improved their deposits substantially. Speaking during this year’s Ushirika Day celebrations held at Barani Secondary School in Malindi town, the County Trade, Industrialisation and Cooperatives Development Ministry Chief Officer, Patience Tsimba Umazi said prior to devolution, the deposits stood at Sh 2.3 billion but have now shot…

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