Non-remittance from county threatens operations at Siaya Ufanisi Sacco

Operations at Siaya Ufanisi Sacco have been negatively affected as the county government is yet to remit Ksh3.6 million it owes. Speaking during their recent Annual Delegates Meeting (ADM), Sacco chairman Tom Adero noted that despite improved remittances by the current county government, the issue still needs to be addressed since deductions are inconsistent and…

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County to roll out programme to revamp ailing cooperative sector

The County Government of Kisumu has rolled out an ambitious programme aimed at revamping the ailing cooperative sector in the region. Speaking during the International Cooperatives Day held at the Young Men’s Christian Association Grounds, County Executive Committee Member in charge of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Farida Salim said her department intends to meet all…

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Jumuisha Sacco continues to register impressive success in service provision

Jumuisha Sacco Society Limited is steadfast in its endeavor to empower its members through the provision of quality products and services that improve their socio-economic developments. Sacco Chairperson Eveline Otieno is confident the Sacco is the region’s leading financial partner in offering real time financial solutions to businesses and groups for economic development. “Jumuisha Sacco…

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