Stakeholders call for more investments in cane growing to meet high demand

Agriculture Food Authority (AFA) has called for more investments in cane growing and development in order to meet the ever increasing demand for the commodity. AFA Chairperson Carnelly Serem said there has been a systematic increase in the demand for cane and that the growth of many sugar milling companies under the cane and nucleus…

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Nyong’o outlines development plans in agriculture sector

Kisumu County Governor Anyang’ Nyong’o has stated that his administration will continue to invest in agriculture which is critical to ensuring food security. He noted that his administration has trained and supported 255 farmer groups across three value chains of cassava, chicken, and sorghum in six (6) wards in the County. He added that the…

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County workers threaten legal intervention to force Govt to drop Social Health Bill

The Kenya County Government Workers Union (KCGWU) has threatened to move to Court if the government does not rescind its decision to enforce the Social Health Insurance Bill 2023. “We have instructed our lawyers to critically analyze the document and point out clauses that are unconstitutional and oppressive to our members. We will be moving…

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Authority kicks off campaign to register more Kenyans for retirement scheme

The Retirement Benefits Authority (RBA) has rolled out a nationwide sensitization campaign to encourage more Kenyans to join the retirement scheme to cushion themselves during old age. Speaking in Kisumu, RBA Chief Executive Officer Charles Machira said that according to their data, only 26 percent of the country’s entire labour force saves for retirement. “This…

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National Irrigation Authority receives Ksh3B to rehabilitate Ahero Irrigation Scheme

The National Irrigation Authority (NIA) has received Ksh3 billion boost from Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) to rehabilitate the Ahero Irrigation Scheme in Kisumu county. The revelation was made when the JICA technical team paid a courtesy call to Kisumu Governor Prof. Anyang’ Nyong’o in his office. Led by Hayashi Kenji, the delegation said the…

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Women in Kisii revive dormant Sacco for economic empowerment

Women in Kisii County have revived Wimanet Sacco after six years of dormancy to empower themselves economically. Sacco Charlady Jane Matiabe appealed to women small scale traders to join the Sacco, save and access loans to boost their businesses and lives. “Members save Ksh20 daily and qualify for loans three times their savings,” she said….

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Homa Bay Women Caucus Sacco receives Ksh30M boost from Pepea Capital

Homa Bay Women Caucus Sacco has received a boost of Ksh30 million from Pepea Capital. The Sacco’s chairlady Jane Akinyi said the money will be directly deposited into the Sacco’s account and will support members in the production of soya beans, sorghum and sunflower flowers. She noted that the month old Sacco is engaged in…

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Ranguma urges businesspeople to form Saccos for prosperity

Sacco Societies Regulatory Authority (SASRA) Chairperson Jack Ranguma has urged businesswomen in Kisumu County to form Saccos at the grassroot level. Addressing over 500 women groups in Kisumu, Ranguma stressed that through Saccos, women will gain economic empowerment. “Saccos will enable you to access loans and other benefits. You can also market your products locally…

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