Saccos ordered to produce audit reports

By Erick Nyayiera Kisumu County Government’s department of co-operative development has ordered all cooperative societies in the region to produce audit reports or risk punitive action. County Executive Committee Member in charge Business, Industrialization and Energy Alice Moraa deplored a tendency adopted by Saccos where they produce doctored audited reports that do not depict the…

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Seek cheap loans from giant Saccos, small co-ops advised

By Erick Nyayiera Small co-operatives operating in Nyanza and Western region have been urged to consider exploiting loaning facilities from the giant Sacco organisations to maximise productivity. Western regional Chairman Ushuru Sacco Owuor Awuor regretted that most Saccos in the western and Nyanza region have suffered exploitation from the commercial banks who charge huge interests…

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Buy shares to boost Saccos, residents told

By Our Reporter Bunyala Sub-county Co-operative Officer Fred Odalo has told Busia County residents to increase their co-operatives’ shares to improve their Sacco’s financial status. Odalo said the Government was strict in ensuring no managers were running Saccos down. He also urged co-operators to stay alert and report any suspicious activities in their co-operatives. He…

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Beware cyber attacks, societies warned

By Kephas Ayiecha Cyber crime has been cited as a major threat to the growth of deposit taking co-operative societies in the country with most of them incurring huge losses owing to inability to procure sophisticated security systems to contain the vice. This was revealed during Ushirika Day celebrations in Trans Nzoia County recently. The…

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Co-ops assured of Govt support

By Tsozungu Kombe Kilifi County Government will continue to support Co-operatives in the region to enable them to offer quality services to members and the general public. Speaking during the 96th International Co-operative Day celebrations held at Kilifi Primary School playing ground in Kilifi town recently, County Government Executive Committee Member for Co-operative Development, Trade…

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Sacco movement mobilizes Sh6.9bn

By Kage Njoroge Co-operatives societies have emerged as strategic economic growth drivers which have created sustainable revenue generating opportunities in Murang’a County. County Executive Committee Member for Cooperatives Development, Edward Muiruri Maina explained that the sector is central in the economic and social lifeline in this county. Muiruri states majority of the residents earn their…

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