Mudavadi lauds establishment of women Islamic Sacco in Western region

Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi has termed the establishment of Western Kenya Muslim Sacco a crucial step towards ensuring financial independence of women in rural areas. Speaking during the annual women Muslim women Quran competition in Kakamega,the prime CS reiterated that the government firmely supports the move by women to financially advance themselves since they…

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Finmat Sacco embarks on member training to enhance financial literacy

Finmat Sacco has embarked on frequently holding member education days to strengthen financial literacy among members. Credit director Beatrice Kisanya assured members that the Sacco is focused on its core business of empowering members through financial literacy training so as to improve their individual as well as collective financial welfare. “Finmat Sacco prides itself for…

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Coop expert urges region to support resident Saccos

The Co-operative movement in the country’s Western region can only register development if county governments put proper measures in place to support Saccos in their jurisdictions, seasoned co-operative expert Owuor Awuor has said. Owuor, who is a long time regional leader of the giant Ushuru Sacco, observed that most co-operative societies in the region are…

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Train Sacco leaders to avoid management wrangles, Coop chief advises

Bungoma County Chief Officer for Cooperatives Development Beatrice Nakhumicha has urged the county government to sensitize cooperative society leaders on leadership and management. Speaking during the International Cooperative Day celebrations held at Mt Elgon Coffee Mills, Nakhumicha attributed the collapse of cooperative societies in the region to management wrangles and argued that training the leaders…

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County to enact laws strengthening cooperatives, CECM reveals

Busia County Executive Committee Member in charge of Trade, Industries, Investment and Cooperatives Omuse Olakachuna has revealed that the county government will enact laws that will strengthen cooperative societies in the region.  Speaking at Busia Agricultural Training Centre in Busia town during the 101st Ushirika Day celebrations, Omuse disclosed that some of the issues they…

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Dairy Cooperative members out management, demand debt payment

Hell broke loose during Sunrise Dairy Cooperative Society in Butali Chegulo ward, Malava constituency annual general meeting after members protested and called for the immediate arrest of staff and individuals who purchased their products and have refused to pay a debt amounting to Ksh218, 000. The members unanimously agreed to surcharge the debt to the…

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