County trains women on cooperative management for economic stability

Women in Illoodokilani ward in Kajiado West have received training on cooperative management organized by Kajiado County Department of Cooperatives.

Gender, Culture and Cooperative CECM Janet Sereu said the training aims to empower women to achieve economic stability through entrepreneurship, employment and increased income through agriculture, trade and finance activities.

She noted that efforts by the county government have led to a notable rise of women participation in cooperatives as well as an increase in the number of cooperatives in Kajiado County.

“We aim to ensure a progressive record on cooperatives, especially in rural areas, through proper trainings and lively engagements,” she said, adding that through women cooperatives, the county has enhanced and developed a level playing field where women are recognized as equal members of the cooperatives.

She stated that the county government is committed to achieve a vibrant and dynamic cooperative movement to spur economic growth through mobilization of domestic savings.

By Obegi Malack

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