Diamond Trust Bank launches new branch in Nyandarua

Diamond Trust Bank has expanded its operations to Nyandarua County, marking the beginning of a new era of financial services and opportunities to both residents and businesses in the region. Nyandarua Governor Dr. Moses Kiarie Badilisha officiated the opening of the branch in a grand ceremony attended by Cabinet Secretary for Lands, Housing, and Urban…

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Install a cooling plant for preservation, horticulture farmers demand

Horticultural farmers in Nyandarua County have urged the national government to install cooling plants in all sub counties for the preservation of their products before they are transported to major cities like Nairobi and Nakuru. Speaking in Olkalou, the farmers said as a result of the increase in the price of petroleum products, at times…

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Cooperatives Commissioner approves registration of Trans-Tena Sacco

The Commissioner for Cooperative Development has approved the registration of Trans-Tena Sacco. A letter addressed to the Sacco Chairperson dated September 8, 2023 and signed by Trans Nzoia County Cooperative Officer Edith Watimah stated that the Sacco’s certificate of registration has been duly signed by the Commissioner for Cooperatives who also approved a copy of…

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SACCO Co-operatives

Cooperatives CS proposes Saccos to clear their cheques 

Cooperatives Cabinet Secretary (CS) Simon Chelugui has proposed that Saccos be allowed to clear their cheque books directly as opposed to the current practice of doing it through commercial banks. The CS said Saccos were incurring a lot of expenses when clearing their cheques through commercial banks.  “I believe that Saccos will be able to…

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Real estate players form association to weed out land fraudsters

Over 100 firms in the real estate sector have formed an association dubbed Real Estate Stakeholders Association to help end the many cases of Kenyans being conned millions of shillings by fraudulent land buying and selling companies. According to Zani Properties Limited chairman Shamton Githere, the association will play a pivotal role in regulating the…

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Stick to Coop values to stand out from crowd, sector told

Cooperatives Commissioner David Obonyo has urged the sector to be guided by the values and principles of the cooperative movement in their operations, with a view to standing out from other business models. Obonyo noted that the core mandate of CAK is to ensure cooperatives entrench the principles and values of cooperatives so that its…

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CS orders SASRA to safeguard interests of Sacco members

Saccos Societies Regulatory Authority (SASRA) has been asked to ensure interests of all members of the 360 Saccos in the country are protected and that adequate revenues are generated. Cabinet Secretary (CS) for Cooperatives and Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Simon Chelugui asked SASRA’s chief executive (CEO)Peter Njuguna to also ensure that members comply with…

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KTS invites tender applications for construction of its office block

KTS, formerly Kitui Teachers Sacco, has invited suitable local constructors for the construction of an office block on plot number LR KYANGWITHYA/TUNGUTU/3892. The minimum and mandatory qualifications include possession of a pre-qualification document, incorporation or registration certificate, valid tax compliance certificate and a recent copy of CR 12. Current registration with the national construction authority…

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