Saccos growth threatened by low savings due to rising inflation

By Azael Masese Kenya’s saving rate might decline due to skyrocketing inflation, raising fears on the country’s ability to raise the necessary capital for investment. The cooperative sector and Savings and Credit Cooperative Societies (Saccos) in particular stand to be the biggest losers. As Kenya marked the 100th Ushirika Day on 2nd July 2022, it was praised…

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Coffee auction goes live at Gusii Co-Op Union

By Ben Oroko Trading of coffee produce at the Nairobi Coffee Exchange (NCE) has been devolved to the grassroots coffee farmers, thanks to the recommendations of the Special Coffee Task-force appointed by President Uhuru Kenyatta to turn around the country’s coffee sector.  As part of the task-force’s recommendations to have NCE modernized, small-holder coffee farmers whose primary co-operative societies…

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The essence of networking in private practice, formal employment

By Victor Ochieng’ Networking, also known as self-marketing or social-marketing, entails circulating in business functions on a social level to create a wonderful web of useful connections. The basic philosophy of networking is ‘living is giving’. The heartbeat of networking is people caring about each other. As Theodore Roosevelt put it aptly, ‘People don’t care how much…

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Nehemiah Suge: resolute father of co-operative movement in South Rift

By Benedict Ngetich The successful growth of most Saccos in Kericho and Bomet counties can be traced back to serious commitment by a few ambitious elders. Most of the prominent businessmen today in Kericho County started in a trade known as “Kipsigirio”, which is the use of donkeys to transport commodities. Others were pioneer teachers, while…

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Lackluster performance of some cooperatives reason for State expropriation

By Fred Sitati In the recent past, the cooperative movement has lost two flagship cooperative institutions to the state through expropriation. These cooperatives are Kenya Cooperative Creameries (KCC) and Kenya Planters Cooperative Union (KPCU). KCC was renamed New KCC while KPCU was rebranded to New KPCU Ltd. The new effect of this change is   that…

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