Cooperatives should be managed strictly within sector principles

The exponential growth of some Saccos can aptly be attributed to their decision to open their common bonds to attract persons from outside their original catchment areas. Such moves are welcome as long as they are done in reasonable measures and do not compromise the quality of services offered to members as Saccos embark on…

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Stakeholders call for urgent implementation of reforms to revive sugar sub-sector

The Lake Region Economic Bloc (LREB) has called for the implementation of the past recommendations seeking to revive the ailing sugar sub-sector. Speaking during a sugar summit in Kakamega, LREB chairperson Professor Peter Anyang Nyong’o said the resolutions, such as those contained in the 2019 Sugar Industry Stakeholders Task Force Report were good hence the…

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Farmers urged to avail data to agripreneurs

Kericho county Chief Officer for Agriculture Willy Rop has urged farmers in the region to cooperate with agripreneurs in the ongoing data collection exercise. He stressed that it’s important to provide accurate farm information since it helps the government plan its projects. Some of the data  required include farmer identity, land size, technology, management practices,…

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Vipingo Workers Cooperative Society on verge of collapse due to funds mismanagement

Vipingo Workers Savings and Credit Cooperative Society Limited, established in 1988 to cater for the financial needs of workers in Kilifi South, Kilifi County, faces an uncertain future due to mismanagement of members’ funds. The Sacco’s instability is caused by irregular lending practices. The chronic financial mismanagement, highlighted by a Ksh41 million loss in an…

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Agriculture based Saccos lead in loan defaults, SASRA reveals

The annual Savings and Credit Cooperative Organizations (SACCOs) supervision report 2022 released by Sacco Societies Regulatory Authority [SASRA] has revealed that 49 agriculture-based SACCOs have topped the charts in loan defaults by the ratio of 18.42 percent, more than double the industry average. Notably, these 49 agriculture-based Saccos represent the largest membership within the sector,…

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SASRA Report highlights intensified competition between SACCOs, Commercial Banks

The latest released Sacco Societies Regulatory Authority (SASRA) report reveals a significant surge in competition between Savings and Credit Cooperative Societies (SACCOs) and commercial banks in Kenya, with consumers opting for SACCOs. The craze for SACCOs is because they offer low-interest loans and attractive dividend payouts, making them an appealing choice. Furthermore, SACCOs’ member centric…

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How to get reluctant youth to join Saccos

The best choice for the youth to achieve the much sought after financial empowerment is for them to join good Saccos. Offering young entrepreneurs admission into Saccos and other accelerators alleviates the risk and fear that comes with taking the leap into entrepreneurship alone. Enterpreneurhsip is an area where many youth have feasible ideas about…

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SASRA: SACCOs lost Ksh118.1M to fraudsters in 2021 & 2022

A report from SASRA investigative unit (Sacco Societies Fraud Investigations Unit) has revealed that the Sacco sub-sector suffered an enormous loss of Ksh118.1 million in the last two years due to fraud. An additional Ksh114.4 million is suspected to have been lost in the same period. The  investigative unit revealed that the fraudsters have been…

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