Lackluster performance of some cooperatives reason for State expropriation

By Fred Sitati In the recent past, the cooperative movement has lost two flagship cooperative institutions to the state through expropriation. These cooperatives are Kenya Cooperative Creameries (KCC) and Kenya Planters Cooperative Union (KPCU). KCC was renamed New KCC while KPCU was rebranded to New KPCU Ltd. The new effect of this change is   that…

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Sweeping reforms in cooperative sector as NACOs now replaced with Federations

By Roy Hezron As Kenya joins the world in celebrating the International Co-operative Day, locally known as Ushirika Day, the National Co-operative Policy has restructured the co-operative movement in the country as part of sweeping reforms in the sector. Apart from the policy recognizing co-operatives as private business organizations, it has also proposed a new…

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Farmers’ cooperative reaches business deal for quarrying to resume

By Agnes Orang’o Members of Muka Mukuu Farmers’ Cooperative Society in Matungulu can now heave a sigh of relief after the disputes surrounding quarrying activities on their land were resolved. Speaking after a special general meeting, the chairman Dominic Nthwao said that quarrying will take place at their 750-acre land near Athi River. He noted…

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SASRA urges Saccos to review criteria of assessing growth performance

By Staff Reporter Savings and Credit Cooperatives Societies (Saccos) have been urged to change the criteria they use to measure their contribution to the country’s economic and social wellbeing. Sacco Societies Regulatory Authority (SASRA) CEO Peter Njuguna noted that the annual performance based on growth of asset base, deposits, share capital and surplus is never…

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