University of Embu sensitizes boda boda riders against drug and substance abuse

By Musyoka Kaleti The University of Embu students offered a one day free Drug and Substance Abuse Sensitization Programme for Boda Boda Operators to ensure the sector is free from drugs. The programme themed ‘Soba boda for a safe ride’ which brought together stakeholders from National Police Service (NPS),  National Authority for the Campaign Against Alcohol…

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How liberalization reversed gains in the coffee sub-sector

By Ben Oroko The liberalization of the coffee sub-sector in the country continues posing a serious sustainability threat to the primary coffee co-operative societies across the country, following smallholder farmers hawking their coffee beans to middle-men and dealers instead of delivering the same to their primary co-operative societies. What started as a bubble in the cup of coffee turned…

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[CLARIFICATION] Teachers Saccos urged to join KETSA for operational efficiency

In the Sacco Review newspaper page 14, we referred to Pauline Mwaniki, CEO of Winas Sacco as KETSA CEO Forum Chairperson which is erroneous. The correct position is that Ms Joyce Ndegwa is actually the KETSA CEO Forum boss. We wish to sincerely apologize for the mix-up. By Obegi Malack Kenya Teachers Sacco Association…

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Kenya exports Sh220 million worth of miraa to Somalia in four days, says lobby

By John Majau Kenya exported miraa (khat) worth Sh221 million in four days since the recent resumption of the Somalian market highlighting the significant role that the commodity is playing in the economy. Head of Miraa Pyrethrum and other Industrial Crops Felix Mutwiri said the country had exported 81.4 tonnes of the stimulant to Mogadishu since the…

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Digital evolution in Saccos must reflect customer experiences

By David Kipkorir The coronavirus pandemic has induced a shift in cooperatives’ needs that will disrupt the movement ecosystem. As the world grapples with the pandemic, Savings and Credit Co-operative Society (Saccos) businesses have to reposition themselves to align with the demands of the “new normal”. Prioritizing good governance, digitalizing Saccos, and maintaining excellent and…

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