Nyanza sugar cartels put on notice

Agriculture Principal Secretary Dr Paul Rono./ Photo courtesy

Principal Secretary in the State Department of Agriculture Dr Paul Rono has affirmed that the government is going to deal with sugar cartels in the Nyanza Region in a bid to ensure that sugar farmers fully benefit from their sweat.

Speaking during a stakeholder’s visit to inspect the status of Muhoroni and Chemelil Sugar factories, Rono said that the cartels do not have the interest of farmers at heart adding that some rich sugar barons have been using the same cartels to manipulate the sector for selfish gains.

The PS concurred with farmers that those who do not have farms or are not out-growers cannot have controlling stakes in the sugar belt.

Rono said that the government will begin distribution of new early-maturing sugarcane varieties to farmers which takes approximately 9 to 14 months to be ready for harvest.


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He highlighted that the Kenya Agriculture and Livestock Research Organization (KALRO) developed these new seed varieties to help cane farmers adapt to changing climate conditions and increase their yields.

“The state, through KALRO, has identified 27 new cane varieties that can mature within 9–14 months. Farmers will no longer have to wait for the longer periods of 18–24 months for their crops to mature,” said Rono.

“The new seed varieties will be distributed to farmers, ensuring the cane they plant in the future matures quickly and has high sucrose content, thereby increasing their income,” he added.

The PS also urged farmers in the Nyanza Sugar Belt to embrace these agricultural innovations and start planting the recommended cane varieties to boost productivity.

By Fredrick Odiero

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