. Yetu Sacco CEO Dennis Kirimi (left) and the sacco Chairman Mark Gitonga addresses the media during the sacco special AGM held at Yetu Gardens in Nkubu town.

Yetu Sacco sets aside a historical Sh.1.4 billion as operational budget for the next financial year

Yetu Sacco has set aside a mouthwatering operational budget of Sh 1.4 billion for it next financial year. The board of management came up with the historical 2025 operational budget which is slightly higher than the previous year that had hit a billion mark for the first time since its inception. The budget estimates were…

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HAZINA SACCO Director Vivianne Nyarunda unveiling the new lockers for Lugala Secondary school.

Celebrations as Hazina Sacco donate lockers to Lugala Secondary school

There was celebrations at Lugala Secondary school after Hazina DT Sacco donated a total of 60 modern lockers and chairs to the Shinyalu based school in Kakamega County as part of its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programme. Speaking during the handing over ceremony, the Sacco CEO Dickson Okungu noted that they decided to support the…

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Why Saccos should focus on Corporate Social Responsibility

Many Saccos have embraced Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) which entails operating in an ethical and sustainable way and dealing with environmental and social impacts. This means a careful consideration of human rights, the community, environment, and society in which it operates. It’s incredibly important that a cooperative society operates in a way that demonstrates social…

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