PS Alfred urges lake region traders to seize $16 trillion EU market opportunity

The State Department for Trade Principal Secretary (PS), Alfred K’ombudo, has urged traders in the Lake region to take advantage of the European Union’s Economic Partnership Agreement (EU EPA) to access the expansive $16 trillion market. The EPA, which was signed on 18th December 2023, he said, presents a golden opportunity for farmers, traders, and…

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Mali Shambani CBO Coordinator Phillip Ndurya shows Sacco Review the solar dryer donated by the EU.

EU donates solar driers worth Ksh1M to Malindi CBO

The European Union (EU) has donated solar driers worth Ksh1 million to Mali Shambani Community Based Organization (CBO) in Malanga, Malindi sub-county to enable effective and efficient operations. Speaking to Sacco Review at the cassava processing flour plant recently, the CBO Coordinator Phillip Ndurya revealed that the EU also donated three water storage tanks –…

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