Ex-CEO: How I built strong legacy at Boresha Sacco

Retired Boresha Sacco CEO Moses Chebor has revealed that between 1985 to 2020, Sacco’s asset base increased from Ksh15 million to Ksh8 billion. Chebor said the achievement was enhanced by cooperation between all Sacco members. During this interview, he revealed the top ten managerial skills they used to push Sacco to greater heights. He said…

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Saccos encouraged to invest in ICT to bolster competitiveness

By Obegi Malack          Commissioner for cooperatives David Obonyo has challenged Saccos to invest in robust Information and Communication Technology (ICT) system in all their operations to improve competitiveness. The commissioner, who was speaking during Sheria Sacco’s Annual Delegates Meeting, said the Covid-19 pandemic proved that ICT system is a must for Saccos.  He said…

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Saccos urged to go big on ICT

By Collins Akong’o Saccos in Mombasa County have been urged to seriously embrace information and communication technology in order to enhance efficiency in service delivery. County Co-operatives Director, Nelson Nyoro said technology was the surest way of offering quality services. He was speaking during Tramom Sacco recent annual general meeting. The Sacco supervising committee chairlady…

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State pushing for the policy framework to promote co-operatives

By Our Reporter The Ministry of Industry, Trade and Co-operatives is expediting review of legal, policy and institutional framework to promote savings mobilisation, financial deepening and access among citizens. Commissioner for Co-operatives Development Mary Mungai has said disharmony in legal and policy frameworks can result in unsustainable practices that may lead to poor governance and…

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