Tag: Sacco

My Sacco has been a blessing in my life, says teacher
Ely Otieno joined Keystone Sacco, formerly Kisumu Teachers Savings and Credit Co-operative Society (KITE), over 20 years ago. He has never regretted joining the Sacco but has instead been counting blessings as a member of the organization. Otieno says he joined the Sacco in 1996 after starting off the teaching profession as a young visionary…

Tea Act 2020 to be implemented soon, Gachagua assures stakeholders
Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua has assured tea farmers that the government is in the process of implementing the Tea Act of 2020 sponsored by Kericho County Senator Aaron Cheruiyot. Speaking during the closing ceremony of a three-day conference dubbed, “Mkulima Kwanza” held at the Kericho Golf Club, the DP noted that implementing the Act will…

KUSCCO urges counties to financially support small cooperatives
Rift Valley KUSCCO Regional Manager Stephen Makori has called upon governors from Rift Valley region to fund small and upcoming Saccos and cooperative societies to ensure their sustainability. Speaking during the Ushirika Day celebrations, the manager noted that most of such Saccos do not have adequate funds for capacity building and leadership training hence they…

County partners with international organizations to revitalize potato sector
Elgeyo Marakwet County government has partnered with Hanse Agrostore International to boost potato farming in the region. Speaking during the Ushirika Day celebrations held at Iten grounds, County Executive Committee Member (CECM) for Cooperatives, Trade, Industrialization, Tourism and Wildlife Robert Kangogo thanked the investor for partnering with the county to catapult the potato sector. Kangogo…

“Save more to allow the Govt to borrow locally”
Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua has called on Kenyans to embrace the saving culture so that the Govt can borrow funds from within instead of getting loans from outside. Speaking at Kinoru stadium in Meru town during Solution Sacco’s 30th-anniversary celebrations, the DP noted that the cooperative sector is a key pillar of driving economic growth…

Governors resolve to organize SMEs into Cooperatives for better growth
County governments have resolved to aggregate Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) into viable cooperative societies in a bid to grow the country’s economy through the bottom-up model. This decision was agreed upon during the meeting held recently at a Mombasa hotel to discuss collaboration by county and national governments in strengthening the Cooperative sector as…

Farmers are urged to join a cooperative for benefits
Farmers have been urged to join cooperative societies to increase their bargaining power and access to credit. Uasin Gishu County Chief Officer for Agriculture Elphas Kesio revealed that the county government is committed to solving the challenges facing farmers including low produce prices and limited access to credit. He called on farmers to diversify their…

KUSCCO calls for remittance of funds owed to Saccos
Kenya Union of Savings and Credit Co-operative (KUSCCO) has asked defaulting government institutions to release billions worth of statutory deductions they owe Saccos in the country. KUSCCO Group Managing Director George Ototo said the non remittance by the two governments had created operational challenges for many Saccos. Ototo added that it was imperative that urgent…

Cooperatives should hire independent directors to boost corporate credibility
That cooperatives are member-based, member-owned and member controlled enterprises is not in dispute. It is an established norm that cooperatives globally are guided by the seven universally accepted cooperative principles and driven by values that aim to professionalise management of their affairs for the benefit of members. Universal cooperative principle no. 2 is on “democratic…