Prudent planning for success of cooperatives

Cooperatives today have become very important drivers of personal financial growth and the route to member’s economic empowerment. Since the first cooperative society was formed in Kenya and its subsequent success, both the private and public sectors embraced cooperatives as vehicles to financial breakthrough. Cooperatives must adopt the best policies, bylaws and strategies because good…

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SACCO Co-operatives

Govt tips Coop sector to guide its transformation agenda

The government has identified cooperatives as the vehicle through which it will achieve its transformational objective of improving lives and promoting economic growth. Cooperatives Cabinet Secretary (CS) Simon Chelugui said the national transformation agenda will focus on several key areas such as food security, financial inclusion, nutrition, infrastructure, production, education, healthcare and economic development. He…

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Saccos mull ways to address non-remittance of funds

Employer based Saccos  must now  adopt alternative methods to generate income and remain afloat even during difficult economic times rather than relying on the unreliable employers who might remit their employees deduction at their own volition, leaving the societies at the verge of collapse when they cannot support their operations. “Non -remittance of the dues…

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What will happen at Co-operative Court if proposed bill will be enacted into law?

Disputes in co-operative sector will now be handled by the Co-operative Court which will stand on its own aside from the existing Co-operative Tribunal, if the draft bill will be enacted into law. The Draft Co-operative Bill, 2021 which if enacted into law will repeal the long-term Co-operative Societies Act which was enacted in December…

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Allure of spending to saving drives youth away from Saccos

The urge to splurge out cash on secondary needs is slowly driving the youth away from saving. Savings are considered critical funding sources, which enable governments, institutions and individuals undertake investment projects. Harrison Song’e, the chief executive of Airports Sacco regrets that the younger generation is mostly driven by spending more than savings. This, he…

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Proposed bill to split cooperatives into four-tier structure

The proposed Co-operative bill will see the transformation of Co-operatives in the country into a four-tier structure of primary, secondary, co-operative federations and apex co-operatives. According to the Draft Co-operatives Societies Act 2021, Primary Co-operatives, which may admit into its membership a corporate or an unincorporated person, shall include producer, housing, Saccos, savings and investment,…

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SACCO Saccos

Why Saccos should institutionalize good corporate governance

Good corporate governance is a system by which an organization is directed, controlled and held accountable by its shareholders and stakeholders. In this case, good corporate governance goes beyond compliance with basic legal requirements. It provides a framework on which a culture of business integrity, accountability and standardized best business practices are established. The Sacco…

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