Allure of spending to saving drives youth away from Saccos

The urge to splurge out cash on secondary needs is slowly driving the youth away from saving. Savings are considered critical funding sources, which enable governments, institutions and individuals undertake investment projects. Harrison Song’e, the chief executive of Airports Sacco regrets that the younger generation is mostly driven by spending more than savings. This, he…

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Proposed bill to split cooperatives into four-tier structure

The proposed Co-operative bill will see the transformation of Co-operatives in the country into a four-tier structure of primary, secondary, co-operative federations and apex co-operatives. According to the Draft Co-operatives Societies Act 2021, Primary Co-operatives, which may admit into its membership a corporate or an unincorporated person, shall include producer, housing, Saccos, savings and investment,…

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SACCO Saccos

Why Saccos should institutionalize good corporate governance

Good corporate governance is a system by which an organization is directed, controlled and held accountable by its shareholders and stakeholders. In this case, good corporate governance goes beyond compliance with basic legal requirements. It provides a framework on which a culture of business integrity, accountability and standardized best business practices are established. The Sacco…

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KSPC wants policy safeguards on assets of Coops facing liquidation

A 2020 Survey conducted by the State Department for Co-operative Development revealed that there are 5,723 dormant cooperatives, which are at risk of losing its assets to unscrupulous officials. Kenya Society of Professional Co-operators (KSPC) has called on the government to develop policy guidelines that will help to safeguard assets of cooperatives that may fall…

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Cooperatives should train focus on principle of member education

Education, training and information, the fifth Cooperative principle, was established and adopted by the International Cooperative Alliance and later embraced locally through the enactment of the Cooperative Act. The goal and objective of this principle is to ensure that cooperative members understand their responsibilities and rights. It also seeks to ensure cooperatives educate and train…

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Ruto promises to root out cartels in farmer-linked cooperatives

President William Ruto has revealed that his administration will put in place proper mechanisms to manage the cooperative movement well to ensure Sacco members are safeguarded from exploitation by brokers and cartels. Speaking during Meru Dairy Cooperative Union’s 8th annual field day at Gitooro showground in Meru town, Ruto lamented that it’s very sad that…

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