The transformative impact of Saccos on community wellbeing

Saccos have emerged as a vital force in Kenya, making a significant positive impact on communities. With their roots in the cooperative movement, Saccos have evolved into inclusive financial institutions that cater for diverse sectors, including agriculture and technology. Beyond financial services, Saccos also contribute to women empowerment and sustainable development. In a country where…

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SACCO Saccos

How Saccos maintain a delicate balance in the group lending model

The group lending model has increasingly become popular among Saccos and Micro-Finance Institutions (MFIs) in recent years. This is largely based on its ability to leverage on joint liability and increased loan repayments while promoting entrepreneurial spirit among borrowers. Group lending methodology is a unique financial service for low income entrepreneurs. To obtain such a…

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SASRA: Saccos have 21 days to address members’ complaints

Sacco Societies Regulatory Authority (SASRA) has issued new guidelines on complaints management by cooperatives. According to the new guidelines, Saccos have only 21 days to investigate and solve members’ complaints. The days will be split into two; 14 working days for carrying out investigations into complaints and an additional seven days to communicate to members…

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Banks urged to change lending packages to serve SMEs

The government is negotiating with banking institutions to streamline their lending packages to accommodate small and medium enterprises, which are thought to be the pillar to the country’s future economy. Cooperatives Cabinet Secretary Simon Chelugui said the government was consulting with banks to restructure and be more attractive to the small and medium enterprises. Chelugui…

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How Saccos performed in this year’s Ushirika Day Awards

The International Day of Cooperatives Day is always a special occasion to celebrate the remarkable impact of cooperative enterprise and pay tribute to those that have changed countless lives and created shared prosperity in communities. And with Kenya boasting the largest movement in Africa, the eventful day, which Savings and Credit Co-operative Societies (Saccos) look…

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Coop expert urges region to support resident Saccos

The Co-operative movement in the country’s Western region can only register development if county governments put proper measures in place to support Saccos in their jurisdictions, seasoned co-operative expert Owuor Awuor has said. Owuor, who is a long time regional leader of the giant Ushuru Sacco, observed that most co-operative societies in the region are…

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Saccos urged to develop neobanks

Savings and Credit Co-operatives (Saccos) have been urged to turn their institutions into neobanks (online banks without traditional physical branch networks). Cynthia Wandia, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and Co-founder of Kwara Limited, recently said that turning Saccos into neobanks will help them deal with industry challenges and build new customer bases. Speaking at the…

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Digital loans a threat to Saccos, Director laments

Garissa county Director of Cooperatives Samuel Karanja has expressed concern that with the aggressive mushrooming number of digital money lenders, the Sacco movement stands threatened. Speaking to Sacco Review in his office, Karanja lamented that the other challenge Saccos face is high loan defaults owing to the harsh economic times. “Most people opt for digital…

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