Woccu accepting applications for 2024 scholarship for women, young professionals

Interested credit union women and young professionals have been urged to apply for the second annual fellowship of the World Council of Credit Unions (WOCCU).

WOCCU, a union which works to advance financial inclusion through the credit union and cooperative model by engaging in international advocacy, development, education and networking that empowers underserved populations, and promotes more equitable and resilient communities announced that it is looking for emerging credit union leaders who are under 40 years and women of any age to apply for the 2024 WOCCU Fellowship.

It announced that the fellowship will designate one person from each of those categories to participate in WOCCU Board of Directors’ meetings for a period of one year replacing Eleonora Zgonjanin, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of FULM Savings House (North Macedonia), and Patrick John Rico, External Affairs Manager at ACDI Multipurpose Cooperative (Philippines), who will be leaving office in July 2024.

The union revealed that the interested candidates must have the following for them to be considered for the posts be employees, current board directors, or members of other elected governance systems, either with a direct member of WOCCU or a financial cooperative institution affiliated with that direct member.


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They should at least have demonstrated leadership contribution to their community, organization, and credit union system.

Applicants are asked to apply online by June 15, 2024, and include a resume, along with a video and essays that demonstrate their governance and leadership experience, highlight local initiatives that promote women and emerging leaders in governance, and identify strategies to address demographic gaps in governance.

The Global Women’s Leadership Network (GWLN) and the World Young Credit Union Professionals (WYCUP) posts, launched in 2023 with an aim of promote the representation of women and emerging leaders in governance roles requires them to jointly manage the application process across their respective networks.

WOCCU will announce this year’s Fellowship recipients at its 2024 Annual General Meeting on July 22, at the World Credit Union Conference in Boston, USA.

By Vostine Ratemo

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