Kilifi: Kaloleni cooperatives disburse Ksh175M loans

Kaloleni Sub-County Cooperative Officer Evans Malombo has revealed that the 32 registered cooperative societies in the area have disbursed loans amounting to Ksh175,420,309. He noted that the cooperatives have mobilized a turnover of Ksh41,424,998 and share capital of Ksh19,387,684. “Sadly, only 18 cooperatives are active,” he lamented, noting further that membership currently stands at 2,158….

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Saccos urged to rebrand to attract more members, increase capital base

Garissa County Director of  Cooperatives Samuel Karanja has urged Saccos to rebrand and recruit more members as a move to increase their savings and cement their loan base. Speaking to  Sacco Review  newspaper  in his Garissa office , Karanja noted that rebranding would enable the recruitment of members beyond Saccos’ geographical territories thus move  towards…

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Tea farmers receive Ksh10 B loans from Greenland Fedha Limited

Greenland Fedha Limited, a subsidiary of Kenya Tea Development Agency (KTDA), has issued loans worth Ksh10 billion this year compared to the Ksh5 billion it disbursed to small scale tea farmers the year before. The high amount issued follows the company’s move to deep slash the interest rates in December 2021. Greenland Fedha Limited Chairman…

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Residents urged to form Saccos for economic growth

Residents of Nyanza region have been urged to form Savings and Credit Cooperative Societies to help them grow and have sustainable development. ICT and Digital Economy Cabinet Secretary Eliud Owalo said a Sacco will provide means for residents to invest and grow economically. Speaking to members of various women groups in Migori County during an…

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Former Gor Mahia players mull turning welfare group to Sacco

Former Gor Mahia striker  Achieng Jared has talked of the need to turn Gor Mahia Legends Welfare Group into a Sacco. His sentiments follow Information Communication and Technology Cabinet  Secretary  Eliud Owalo’s move to pump a seed capital of Ksh1 million into the welfare group for sustainability and to enable them undertake income generating projects. “A…

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County to revive over 200 dormant cooperatives

Kwale County Cooperative Director Mohammed Mkanga has revealed that at least 200 dormant cooperative societies in the county are set for revival. Mkanga said this year, three dormant cooperative societies have already been revived. He revealed that there are many dormant cooperative societies yet there isn’t sufficient budget allocated for their revival since the department…

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County trains women on cooperative management for economic stability

Women in Illoodokilani ward in Kajiado West have received training on cooperative management organized by Kajiado County Department of Cooperatives. Gender, Culture and Cooperative CECM Janet Sereu said the training aims to empower women to achieve economic stability through entrepreneurship, employment and increased income through agriculture, trade and finance activities. She noted that efforts by…

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Fortune Sacco opens branch in Ongata Rongai 

Fortune Sacco has opened a new branch in Ongata Rongai, Kajiado County as part of its expansion plan. Kajiado County Deputy Governor Martin Moshisho  commended the Sacco for focusing on improving the livelihood of Kenyans and assured them of the support from the county government. Sacco Chairman Mr Rufus Kamau noted that the opening of the…

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Universal Traders Sacco honours pledge as trader steers off in Probox grand prize

Universal Traders Sacco has awarded Agnes Kalondu Nzuki a Toyota Probox, the car she won from a Ksh2000 stake she deposited to enter the grand draw at Kenyatta Stadium in Machakos County. The elated lady from Mutituni/ Ngelani Ward in Machakos County could not believe her luck. She was among the numerous winners who walked…

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