Cooperative University of Kenya urged to reintroduce old cooperative courses

Co-operative professionals and practitioners, through the Kenya Society of Professional Cooperators (KSPC), have asked the Co-operative University of Kenya (CUK) to re-introduce the traditional cooperative courses it used to offer before it was upgraded to a full-fledged public university. The professionals and practitioners noted that traditional cooperative courses, such as Certificate in Cooperative Administration (CCA),…

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Offer financial assistance to coffee farmers, banks urged

Dr Philip Munyao, a doctor in Matungulu constituency, has asked banks and micro -finance  institutions  to come up with schemes to motivate coffee growers in the region.  Dr Munyao asked the financial institutions to train farmers on investment opportunities, saying that if there were regular forum organized by the finance institutions, the interactions would enlighten…

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Study emphasizes role of financial service providers in boosting SMEs growth

A study by the Financial Access Initiative (FAI) has shed light on the role of entrepreneurs and financial service providers in providing SMEs with customized credit facilities to enable them improve their services. Titled Kenya Small Firms Diaries Study, the study revealed that 51 per cent of the adult population in Kisumu county own small…

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Njang’ombe looks back after long career at Cooperative Ministry

 Geoffrey Njang’ombe, former Commissioner of Cooperatives, has a unique demeanour; polite, cool and collected. Yet behind the tranquility of mien is a tough uncompromising personality, but not in the usual sense of intense outlook commanded by senior corporate gentlemen and ladies. His amiability goes beyond common etiquette, transcending even the wiles of temptation in the…

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SASRA sets tough rules for Saccos’ financial security providers

Sacco Society Regulatory Authority (SASRA) has set minimum requirements for engagement of third-party financial system integrators (vendors) that provide their financial services to Saccos in a bid to deal with cyber-attacks related to third parties.In a letter dated June 6, 2023 addressed to chief executives (CEOs) of the regulated Sacco societies, SASRA CEO Peter Njuguna…

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Ex-CEO: How I built strong legacy at Boresha Sacco

Retired Boresha Sacco CEO Moses Chebor has revealed that between 1985 to 2020, Sacco’s asset base increased from Ksh15 million to Ksh8 billion. Chebor said the achievement was enhanced by cooperation between all Sacco members. During this interview, he revealed the top ten managerial skills they used to push Sacco to greater heights. He said…

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