Uphold integrity or perish, Coop leaders warned

Machakos County Chief Officer (CO) of Cooperatives Benedict Ngumbau has urged officials of cooperative societies to uphold integrity and abide by the Cooperative Societies Act to ensure the survival of their cooperatives.Speaking after a visit to Komarock Housing Cooperative Society, the officer pointed out that most cooperatives fail due to mismanagement.“Cooperatives should ensure they hold…

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Train Sacco leaders to avoid management wrangles, Coop chief advises

Bungoma County Chief Officer for Cooperatives Development Beatrice Nakhumicha has urged the county government to sensitize cooperative society leaders on leadership and management. Speaking during the International Cooperative Day celebrations held at Mt Elgon Coffee Mills, Nakhumicha attributed the collapse of cooperative societies in the region to management wrangles and argued that training the leaders…

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County trains Coop leaders to revolutionize sector’s landscape

Uasin Gishu County’s Department of Trade, Industrialization, Tourism, Cooperatives and Enterprise Development has trained cooperatives and Saccos across the county to revolutionize the cooperative landscape. The training exercise encompassed a wide range of vital topics focusing on areas such as share mobilization, book-keeping and auditing, management strategies, and embracing new technological trends. The department’s County…

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Governor to boost coop sector for accelerated economic growth

Machakos County Deputy governor Francis Mwangangi has revealed that the county government will continue mobilizing resources from various development partners in order to boost the growth of cooperatives which are vehicles for accelerated sustainable development. Speaking during the101st International Day of Cooperatives celebrations held at Kenyatta Stadium, the deputy governor, who represented Governor Wavinya Ndeti,…

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Kihika urges Sacco leaders to embrace good leadership for survival of cooperatives

Nakuru county Governor Susan Kihika has urged Sacco leaders to embrace good leadership to ensure the survival of their societies. In a speech read on her behalf by Deputy governor David Kones during the 101st Ushirika day celebrations, Kihika said Saccos are great contributors of economic development hence they should be managed well to safeguards…

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Cooperatives urged to embrace innovation to net more members

Taita-Taveta Deputy Governor Christine Kilalo has urged cooperative societies to embrace innovation to widen their markets to net potential members at the grassroot level. Speaking during the commemoration of the 101 International Cooperatives day themed “Cooperatives for Sustainable Developments”, the deputy governor pledged to offer a prize of Ksh1 million to the cooperative society that…

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Governor underscores critical role of cooperatives in socio-economic development

Kericho county Governor Dr. Erick Mutai has underscored the critical role played by the co-operative movement in the economic growth of the region. Speaking during this year’s Ushirika Day celebrations held at Kericho Primary School, the governor said the investments and contributions of local cooperative societies have the greatest impact in poverty eradication at the…

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County to roll out programme to revamp ailing cooperative sector

The County Government of Kisumu has rolled out an ambitious programme aimed at revamping the ailing cooperative sector in the region. Speaking during the International Cooperatives Day held at the Young Men’s Christian Association Grounds, County Executive Committee Member in charge of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Farida Salim said her department intends to meet all…

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County to enact laws strengthening cooperatives, CECM reveals

Busia County Executive Committee Member in charge of Trade, Industries, Investment and Cooperatives Omuse Olakachuna has revealed that the county government will enact laws that will strengthen cooperative societies in the region.  Speaking at Busia Agricultural Training Centre in Busia town during the 101st Ushirika Day celebrations, Omuse disclosed that some of the issues they…

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