Winas Sacco to embrace agency banking

By Kamundia Muriithi. Winas Sacco plans to go big on agency banking in a bid to decongest its banking halls and deliver efficient services to its members. Robert Njue, the Chairman of the Board of Directors revealed that plans were in high gear to launch WINAS Mashinani, which will ensure the Sacco has agents in…

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Co-operatives to roll out Islamic products

By Jackson Okoth. The National Treasury is seeking to allow all Co-operative societies to issue Shariah-compliant products, opening up yet another frontline where competition between these societies will be intense. On the list of Saccos that are already Sharia-compliant are Crescent Takaful Sacco Society Limited andTaqwa Sacco Society Limited. Takaful Sacco offers mobile payments, international…

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County govt invests in youth Saccos

By Our Reporter. The County government is sponsoring training of more than 2,100 Boda boda riders across the county to acquire motorcycle driving licenses as well as formation of Saccos to promote their investment capacity. It has also launched Embu Women Sacco which will offer financial loans to members at reduced interest rates. In order…

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Ushuru Sacco disburses Sh2.4 billion in loans

By Tsozungu Kombe. Ushuru Sacco Society has disbursed Sh 2.4 billion in loans to its members as at the close of financial year ending 31st December, 2016. Speaking during the Ushuru Sacco Annual Delegates Meeting (ADM), held at Flamingoes Beach Hotel, Mombasa County recently, Chief Executive Officer William Pudha said the society’s total assets stood…

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