SASRA steps up control of DT Saccos with new licence renewal guidelines

Sacco Society Regulatory Authority (SASRA), the regulatory body for Savings and Credit Co-operatives (Saccos), has issued revised guidelines to govern the renewal of operating licences for the country’s Deposit-Taking (DT) Saccos. This has seen new procedures being introduced and the existing ones improved to hold the 176 DT Saccos more accountable and ensure the protection…

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SACCO Saccos

Opinion: Make your managerial communication effective

In a fast changing and dynamic labour market, it is essential for employees to embrace effective communication for better understanding and as well increase productivity at workplace. Employees who often than not tend to do everything on their own, will basically get overburdened to the extent of eventually getting fatigued to the level of failing…

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How Saccos umbrella body will be a liquidity game-changer for sector

The operationalization of the Kenya Sacco Central Liquidity and Shared Services Cooperative Society Ltd (The Sacco Central) is set to change Kenya’s Sacco sub-sector’s landscape as it will help address liquidity challenges, especially for small Saccos. Under the outfit, Saccos are expected to pool resources under one platform and access a host of services at…

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Nehemiah Suge: resolute father of co-operative movement in South Rift

The successful growth of most Saccos in Kericho and Bomet counties can be traced back to serious commitment by a few ambitious elders. Most of the prominent businessmen today in Kericho County started in a trade known as “Kipsigirio”, which is the use of donkeys to transport commodities. Others were pioneer teachers, while some were the…

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Cooperative autonomy, identity vital for movement’s survival

One basic characteristic that distinguishes companies from cooperatives is that companies are associations of capital while cooperatives are associations of persons. Additionally, while companies strive to maximize profits for their shareholders, the same cannot be said of primary cooperatives that are voluntary self-help organizations that aim to solve members’ socio-economic and cultural needs. At the…

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SASRA urges Saccos to build alliances, enhance positive competition

Sacco Societies Regulatory Authority (SASRA) CEO Peter Njuguna has stressed on the need for Saccos to collaborate to achieve greatness. “We have realized that Saccos actually collaborate significantly with various service providers because Saccos alone cannot provide the services. Courtesy of the collaborations we have had so far, you will note that we have grown…

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