Offer financial assistance to coffee farmers, banks urged

Dr Philip Munyao, a doctor in Matungulu constituency, has asked banks and micro -finance  institutions  to come up with schemes to motivate coffee growers in the region.  Dr Munyao asked the financial institutions to train farmers on investment opportunities, saying that if there were regular forum organized by the finance institutions, the interactions would enlighten…

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Study emphasizes role of financial service providers in boosting SMEs growth

A study by the Financial Access Initiative (FAI) has shed light on the role of entrepreneurs and financial service providers in providing SMEs with customized credit facilities to enable them improve their services. Titled Kenya Small Firms Diaries Study, the study revealed that 51 per cent of the adult population in Kisumu county own small…

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Digital loans a threat to Saccos, Director laments

Garissa county Director of Cooperatives Samuel Karanja has expressed concern that with the aggressive mushrooming number of digital money lenders, the Sacco movement stands threatened. Speaking to Sacco Review in his office, Karanja lamented that the other challenge Saccos face is high loan defaults owing to the harsh economic times. “Most people opt for digital…

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Njang’ombe looks back after long career at Cooperative Ministry

 Geoffrey Njang’ombe, former Commissioner of Cooperatives, has a unique demeanour; polite, cool and collected. Yet behind the tranquility of mien is a tough uncompromising personality, but not in the usual sense of intense outlook commanded by senior corporate gentlemen and ladies. His amiability goes beyond common etiquette, transcending even the wiles of temptation in the…

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SACCO Saccos

Why personal financial literacy is important

Personal finance refers to a financial management process which an individual or a family unit engages in to budget, save and spend financial resources over a given period of time considering various financial risks and future life events and expectations.  Financial experts argue that personal finance literacy is critical to help an individual make rational…

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