SACCO Saccos
Ben Oroko

How Saccos can assist members to spread out their investments

Saccos are democratically owned and member-controlled financial institutions that play a pivotal role in Kenya’s financial services economy. These credit cooperatives more often than not provide a wide range of products and financial services to their members, including but not limited to savings, loans, insurance and investment. Saccos can play an important role in assisting…

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Saccos vs money market funds: Which gives the best return?

Money Market Funds (MMFs) and Savings and Credit Cooperative Organizations (SACCOs) are both money-saving instruments that have gained popularity in the country. And they both promise one thing — to make your money work for you. The two work in different ways therefore understanding their unique features before making a choice is vital. What are…

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Cynthia Wandia, Co-Founder and CEO of Kwara.

How Fintech is revolutionizing the Sacco movement in Kenya

According to a report submitted by Accenture to the Financial Sector Deepening (FSD) Kenya, Saccos are one of the leading sources of finance, and in many rural areas, local Saccos are the only provider of financial services. Fintechs are becoming invaluable partners for Saccos in Kenya who provide innovative digital solutions to streamline their operations…

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Saccos urged to adhere to the law

By Agnes Orang’o A lot of conflicts witnessed in cooperative societies are contributed by failure to follow the rules of cooperatives, says Benedict Ngumbau Chief Officer of Cooperatives in Machakos county. Ngumbau spoke after visiting Koma Housing cooperative society and commended them for their commitment to ensuring every member benefits. Chief Officer said that many…

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Cooperative University of Kenya urged to reintroduce old cooperative courses

By Roy Hezron   Co-operative professionals and practitioners, through the Kenya Society of Professional Cooperators (KSPC), have asked the Co-operative University of Kenya (CUK) to re-introduce the traditional cooperative courses it used to offer before it was upgraded to a full-fledged public university. The professionals and practitioners noted that traditional cooperative courses, such as Certificate…

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Victoria fish co-operative transforming lives of members

By Gilbert Ochieng Over 500 fish traders operating at beaches in Port Victoria namely Marenga, Mulukoba and Bukoma in Budalangi Constituency, Busia County owe their prosperity to Port Victoria Fresh Fish Co-operative Society Limited that has helped improve on their livelihood. The co-operative society that was started in the year 2005 and registered the following…

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