Co-operatives raised Sh13 million to fight Covid-19

By Roy Hezron Cooperative societies raised a total of 13 million to the Co-operative Coronavirus Response Committee (CCRC) to fight the Covid-19 pandemic. The committee was constituted by the Department of Co-operatives to cushion vulnerable members in the co-operatives sector who were heavily affected by the pandemic. Speaking to Sacco Review, Commissioner for Co-operatives Mr….

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Safaricom Investment Co-op joins NSE’s Ibuka Program

By Jackson Okoth Safaricom Investment Co-operative has joined Ibuka, Nairobi Securities Exchange’s (NSE) premium incubation and acceleration programme for high growth companies in Kenya. The co-operative is joining the Accelerator Board of the programme following a rigorous evaluation and vetting process making it the 18th company to join the programme since its launch in December…

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Sh9.9bn loan defaults strain Saccos

By Munene Maina Delay in remittance of loan repayment deductions by the National and County governments is causing headache for Sacco bosses. This has seen the growth rate of non-performing loans (NPLs) for most Saccos derailing growth in their businesses. New Sacco Societies Regulatory Authority (SASRA) survey also indicated some governmental institutions particularly public universities,…

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