Kisumu cooperatives

Kisumu CEC lauds cooperatives for transforming lives

Kisumu County Executive Committee Member (CEC) for Trade, Tourism, Industry and Cooperatives Farida Salim has lauded the cooperative movement for positively impacting on the economic stability of their membership. Salim, who was the chief guest during the county’s Ushirika Day celebrations, said the movement had experienced tremendous growth in terms of increased membership and savings….

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Dairy farmers to reap big from KCDMS project

Milk production in twelve counties countrywide is set to double following a series of interventions rolled out through a project run by the Kenya Crops and Dairy Market Systems (KCDMS). Through the US-AID-funded project, over 190,000 farmers in Kisumu, Siaya, Migori, Homa Bay, Vihiga, Kakamega, Bungoma, Busia, Kisii, Kitui, Makueni and Taita Taveta counties have…

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CA raises alarm over increased cybersecurity attacks

The Communications Authority of Kenya (CA) has raised concern over the high number of cyber security attacks, which rose from 7.7 million in 2018 to 444 million in 2023. Speaking in Kisumu during the awards ceremony of the Kisumu edition of the Authority’s cyber security bootcamp and hackathon series 2023, Internal Audit Director Rosalid Muriithi…

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Farmers’ cooperative lauds KBL’s plan to increase sorghum payment rates

1,200 members of Karachuonyo Lolwe Rume Cooperative Society in Homa Bay County have lauded the Kenya Breweries Limited (KBL) Company over its intended plans to raise the payment rates for sorghum farmers in the area. The cooperative’s chairman Elisaphan Ager said the move will go a long way in boosting the morale of sorghum farmers…

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Mudavadi: Agriculture top priority in Govt’s economic transformation agenda

Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi has revealed that the government has placed innovation in agriculture as the top pillar of the Bottom-Up Economic Transformation Agenda (BeTA). Speaking during this year’s Kisumu regional show, Mudavadi said BeTA prioritizes on rice, edible oils, cotton, coffee, maize, tea, leather and dairy value chains with the aim of achieving…

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Commissioner lauds agribusiness innovations that enhance food security

Nyanza Regional Commissioner Flora Mworoa has lauded farmers and entrepreneurs for their superb display of innovative agribusiness ideas that seek to address the problem of climate change and enhance food security. Speaking during the Kisumu Regional Agricultural Society of Kenya (ASK) Show held at Mamboleo ASK Grounds, Mworoa, who represented Interior Principal Secretary Dr. Raymond Omollo,…

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Study emphasizes role of financial service providers in boosting SMEs growth

A study by the Financial Access Initiative (FAI) has shed light on the role of entrepreneurs and financial service providers in providing SMEs with customized credit facilities to enable them improve their services. Titled Kenya Small Firms Diaries Study, the study revealed that 51 per cent of the adult population in Kisumu county own small…

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