Why cooperators must seal all loopholes to build image of sector

The importance of Saccos as suitable vehicles for mobilising local savings and extending affordable credit to their members requires no belabouring. The impact of the Sacco movement on the country’s economy has over the years been hailed as significant and a success story in the region and beyond. Stories abound that some big Saccos are…

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Report sheds light on why affordable housing is a pipedream

Inadequate supply of affordable housing, high incidental costs, slow property registration and titling process and high cost of land for construction have been identified as some of the reasons most Kenyans are unable to own modern houses, a new report has shown. According to Kenya Mortgage Refinance Company (KMRC) 2022 Annual Integrated Report and Financial…

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Report: Cooperatives yet to fully embrace digital technology

A cooperative society baseline survey conducted recently found that many Saccos have no websites, email addresses and other digital assets, resulting in the low level of digitization in cooperative societies governed by the State Department of Cooperatives (SDC). Earlier on, the SDC engaged in a campaign urging co-operative movements notably the Saccos to go digital…

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The gist of developing new products that meet members’ needs

Products and services are the lifeblood of Saccos hence investing in them is crucial to business growth and profitability. Saccos most often come up with new products due to changes in member preference, increasing competition, advances in technology or to capitalize on new opportunities. Innovative cooperatives thrive by understanding their members’ wants, making smart product…

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Saccos urged to develop neobanks

By David Kipkorir Savings and Credit Co-operatives (Saccos) have been urged to turn their institutions into neobanks (online banks without traditional physical branch networks). Cynthia Wandia, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and Co-founder of Kwara Limited recently said that turning Saccos into neobanks will help them deal with industry challenges and build new customer bases….

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Kenyan awarded scholarship by WYCUP

By Rosemil Oduor Maureen Njoroge is among the five credit union professionals from four different countries awarded scholarship by the World Council of Young Credit Union Professionals (WYCUP). The scholarship includes an all-expense paid trip to Los Angeles for the 2020 World Credit Union Conference. The WYCUP Scholarship programme is open to nominees who are 35…

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