Cattle prices on the rise following widespread rains

Livestock prices have surged significantly due to improved pastures following recent rains. This marks the first notable improvement after a prolonged drought spanning four consecutive failed rain seasons.

Demand for livestock products is expected to rise significantly, with estimates suggesting an increase of 40-50 per cent by 2030. This growing demand is driven by population growth, urbanisation, and changing dietary preferences.

According to the National Drought Management Authority, a stable trend in cattle market prices was observed in approximately 82 per cent of the Asal counties last month. Arid and Semi-Arid Lands (ASALs) cover approximately 89 per cent of Kenya’s land area, spanning 29 counties which host about 38 per cent of Kenya’s population.


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ASALs host 70 per cent of the national livestock herd, with an estimated value of KSh70 million. They also host 12 per cent of Kenya’s wildlife.

The livestock sector contributes 12 per cent to Kenya’s National Gross Domestic Product (GDP). It accounts for 42 per cent of the agricultural GDP. It supports 25 million livelihoods in Kenya.

Other than drought, the livestock sector faces many challenges like diseases, limited access to veterinary services, and land constraints. Small-scale farmers often lack access to sufficient resources such as land, capital, and modern technology. Small scale farmers also experience challenges like climate change, predators and theft, lack of training and extension services.

Sustainable practices, improved animal health, and efficient value chains are essential for long-term success. Investments in research, extension services, and capacity building can enhance productivity and resilience.

By Frank Mugwe

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