Co-operatives told to diversify activities

By Benedict Ng’etich   

Co-operative societies have been urged to embrace diversification in order to reduce the negative effects of drought.

Tea-based societies in Kericho and Bomet counties were greatly affected by pro-longed drought that affected the country leading to the sharp drop in green leave production.

Lawrence Kikwai, a delegate at Patnas Sacco who represents Kapkoros Zone, said that tea bonus earnings will reduce drastically in the next payment circle.

Most of the societies in the South Rift have famers as the majority members.

Kokchaik Society now plans to venture into commercial feed production, while Kimbilio Daima Sacco has also started a commercial dairy production.

Kericho County Co-operatives Leornard Otii said diversification of activities will ensure the societies have no down time.

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