Kisumu County Residents Benefit From Free Eye Camp.

Pankaj Shah CEO Pankaj foundation.

Over 1,186 Kisumu residents benefited from a free eye camp courtesy of Pankaj Social Services, a nonprofit organization.

The CEO of Pankaj social services Pankaj Shah said they organized the event in order to cater for those who cannot afford eye care services.

He said this at the Jaramogi Oginga Odinga and Teaching Referral where a number of patients were attended to.

Kisumu County Deputy Governor Dr.Mathews Owili  said that through the County’s partnership with Pankaj and Laxmanbhai Foundations over 1,186  eye patients have been treated, given medications and reading glasses where necessary.

Speaking during the launch of Eye Surgery Camp at the Jaramogi Oginga Odinga and Teaching Referral Hospital, Owili added that 202 patients requiring surgery have been identified and have been booked for surgery at the said facility.


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“The screening process is still ongoing at JOOTRH for the next five days and we are confident that many more patients will be provided with accommodation ,food and dignity pack at no cost through the joint efforts of JOOTRH and Pankaj Foundation” he said.

He thanked the Lions Club who have so far screened 435 patients bringing the expected number of beneficiaries from the eye camp to approximately 600.

Dr. Owili also thanked Fred Hollows Foundation-Kenya which has been a key player in strengthening eye services within the  County, supporting hospitals through the provision of essential consumables, human resource development training and much needed eye equipment.

“Together with Norvatis Organization which supports diabetic patients they have  had a significant impact with diabetic patients already benefitting from the services provided” he said.

Kisumu Deputy Governor Dr. Mathew Owili talks to one of the patients.

He added that during last year’s eye camp in July 2023 with support from Joy of Helping Hands from the United States of America, 372 patients underwent successful surgeries which further emphasized the importance of collaboration in delivering life changing services.

On his part, JOOTRH CEO Dr.Richard Lesiyampe said that through the partnership ,Kisumu County  has been able to provide free medical camps and identify individuals who require specialized treatment.

“JOOTRH remains at the forefront of eye care innovation and our recent acquisition of a fundus camera equipped with AI Technology is a testament to our commitment to providing the most advanced care possible” he said.

Lesiyampe added that the cutting-edge equipment allows for accurate diagnosis and treatment of eye conditions even in remote areas.


By Fredrick Odiero 


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