Governor: Open Co-op College in the County

By Wasike Elvis. Governor Jackson Mandago has urged the National government to open a Co-operative College in the county. He said that this will offer training on how to manage Savings and Credit Societies (Saccos). “Despite us reviving over 100 Co-operatives and giving them loans, some of the officials lack managerial skills leading to them…

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Deposits hit Sh32 million at Sheria Housing Co-op

By Azael Masese. Sheria Housing Co-operative Society has reported an increase in Members’ Deposits from Sh 24 million in 2015 to Sh 32 million at the close of the financial year ended 31st December, 2016. The Society’s Total Assets rose to Sh54.5 million in 2016 compared to Sh37.9 million in 2015 while Share Capital increased…

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Saccos eye Insurance Agency billions

By Jackson Okoth. The list of Deposit-Taking Savings and Credit Co-operative Societies (Saccos) that are planning or have already set up their own insurance agency business is getting longer by the day. On their sights are millions of shillings in premiums paid out to insurance companies by clients keen to have covers against various risks….

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National inspection to rein in errant Co-operatives begins

By Jackson Okoth and Stephen Makabila. The Government has launched a massive inspection of Co-operatives countrywide in an effort to rein in errant Saccos and directors who violate regulations governing the sector. And as the impromptu inspections gain momentum, the new Commissioner for Co-operative Development, Mary Mungai has sounded a stern warning to the entire…

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Embrace saving culture, DP advises Kenyans

By Wasike Elvis. Deputy President William Ruto (pictured) has called on Kenyans to join Saccos and embrace a saving culture to improve their livelihoods. “Kenyans should embrace a saving culture by joining Saccos to be able to get loans to enable them initiate income-generating projects,” said Ruto. Speaking in Eldoret recently, Ruto said: “I am…

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Kimisitu Sacco conducts a successful Members Education Day

By Wesley Ken. Kimisitu Savings and Credit Co-operative Society Limited recently held its Nairobi Members Education Day during which members were trained on various aspects of Sacco operations. This comes barely three months after the Society held its Annual General Meeting (AGM) to deliberate on performance and chart a future strategic direction for the Society….

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Kukena Sacco, a leader in Transport sector

By Wesley Ken. Over the past three years, Kenya’s Matatu Transport industry, the dominant mode of transport of both passengers and goods in the country has undergone a tremendous overhaul. Management and operation of Public Service Vehicles is now in the hands of Transport Saccos. The newly created National Transport and Safety Authority (NTSA) organ…

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