Amica to build Sh1.2bn mall in Kenol town

Amica Savings and Credit Services will construct a Sh1.2 billion shopping mall in Kenol town, the fastest growing commercial centre along the busy Nairobi-Nyeri highway. The proposed Amica Business Centre (ABC) is set to change the property landscape of the region as the institutions seeks to diversify its revenue stream and improve a return on…

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Kenya’s Saccos in Diaspora doing well, says PS

By David Kipkorir. Kenya’s registered 10 Savings and Co-Operative Societies in the Diaspora are doing well, Principal Secretary Ministry of Industry, Trade and Co-operatives, Ali Noor Ismail has said. He said the Government registered two Saccos in the United States of America (USA), two in Qatar and one each in Canada, Germany, France, Swaziland, Nigeria…

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PS: State to strengthen Co-operative sector

By Munene Maina. The Ministry of Industry, Trade and Co-operatives through the State Department of Co-operatives is spearheading key initiatives to improve performance in the Co-operative sector. These include the National Co-Operative Development Policy, which is in final stage, automation of the Co-operatives registration which will be linked to Huduma centres and development of Strategic…

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Joinas Sacco recruits members in Meru town

By Kiptanui Rutto. Joinas Sacco has opened doors for the residents of Meru town and its environs. The Sacco that draws its membership from all professionals, business entities and other local residents, has recruited more than 1,000 members in its two years of existence. Speaking to Sacco Review in his office in Meru town, the…

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Poor leadership to blame for Nyanza Saccos’ woes

By Azael Masese. Poor leadership and misuse of members’ deposits have been blamed for woes facing most Savings and Credit Cooperative Societies in Nyanza region. South Nyanza Sacco (Sonyaco) Board chair, Mr Roscheus Otete blames the woes facing the Saccos on poor management of new societies. “Financial statements littered with doubtful assets and inability to…

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Kavuda Sacco to offer FOSA services

By Richard Shichangi. Kakamega Vuma Daima Sacco has declared 10 percent payment of dividends to its members and another 8 percent payment of interest on members’ deposits. Addressing members during the Sacco’s Annual General Meeting held at the County Social Hall, the Sacco’s chairperson, Mrs Iris Masambaga urged members to use the earnings to boost…

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Lusaka: No tax for Boda boda operators

By Kimtai Cherongis. Boda boda operators in Bungoma County have reason to smile after the County Government announced they will no longer have to pay any tax to be allowed to operate in the county. Addressing hundreds of boda boda operators in Busia town drawn from across the county, Busia County Governor Kenneth Lusaka said:…

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Capital Sacco boosts horticultural farmers’ earnings

Murithi Kinoti. Capital Sacco which is one of the largest and fastest growing Saccos in Kenya has improved Kilimo Tosha product to boost horticultural farmers’ earnings. Kilimo Tosha is a loan product of the Sacco which advances credit to horticultural farmers to expand their investments. The farmers repay the loan after selling their horticultural produce…

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Form Co-operatives, legislator urges traders

By Amoto Dennis. Tana River County business people have been urged to form savings and credit Cooperatives to uplift their businesses. Speaking to Sacco Review, Bura legislator Ali Wario said: “Saccos are better in generating savings compared to banks because the business people can access money more easily to bolster businesses” He added that his…

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