SASRA CEO, Peter Njuguna.

SASRA warns public against trading with unauthorized Saccos

Sacco Society Regulatory Authority (Sasra) has warned the public against undertaking any related Savings and Credit Co-operative (Sacco) business with those entities that are not registered and regulated by the Authority. In a recent Public Caution issued by Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Peter Njuguna, the Authority has observed that a large section of members of…

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Hazina Sacco Chairman Evans Kibagendi and Tutu Primary School Headteacher Nancy Njunge cut a ribbon to officially hand over the toilets built through their CSR initiative.

Hazina Sacco opposes introduction of levy on non-withdrawable Sacco deposits

Hazina Sacco Chairman Evans Kibagendi has opposed the introduction of a levy on cash deposits held by Non-Withdrawable Deposit-Taking Saccos by the Sacco Societies Regulatory Authority (SASRA) beginning January 2024. Kibagendi will greatly affect the revenue of Saccos as a whole, and the savings of individual members who are ideally the owners of the Saccos….

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SASRA CEO, Peter Njuguna.

Number of Sacco female employees on the rise, SASRA says

The number of female employees in regulated Saccos in the country has been steadily rising, surpassing that of male employees, SASRA’s Sacco Supervision Report 2022 has revealed. According to the Report, female employees in regulated Saccos account for 50.61% of the total employees with males accounting for 49.39%. It also reveals that within the DT-SACCOs…

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Officials and cooperative representatives from Ghana.

Ghanaian officials in Kenya to benchmark cooperative movement

Senior officials from the Government of Ghana, including representatives from the Ghana Co-operative Credit Unions Association (CUA), Ministry of Finance, and the Department of Cooperatives, are currently in Kenya to benchmark the country’s cooperative movement which is considered the largest in Africa. According to the 2022 Statistical Report by the World Council of Credit Unions,…

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Homa Bay Women Caucus Sacco receives Ksh30M boost from Pepea Capital

Homa Bay Women Caucus Sacco has received a boost of Ksh30 million from Pepea Capital. The Sacco’s chairlady Jane Akinyi said the money will be directly deposited into the Sacco’s account and will support members in the production of soya beans, sorghum and sunflower flowers. She noted that the month old Sacco is engaged in…

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Sacco growth

Chelugui lauds Saccos for exhibiting tremendous growth in past year

Simon Chelugui, the Cooperatives and MSMEs Development Cabinet Secretary (CS), has released a report which indicates a steady growth in the Sacco industry for the past one year. Chelugui said that all the 360 Saccos regulated by the Sacco Societies Regulatory Authority (SASRA) have seen tremendous growth in assets, deposits, loans, and capital from November…

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The evolving landscape of the SACCO movement in Kenya

The concept of Savings and Credit Cooperative Societies (SACCOs), which have today become an essential part of Kenya’s financial landscape in promoting financial inclusion and empowering communities by providing access to affordable financial services, has a rich history traced to the colonial era. SACCOs started with the formation of agricultural cooperatives aimed at providing financial…

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Why Saccos are gradually overtaking banks in lending

Intensive marketing and customer-friendly financial solutions have seen Saccos overtaking commercial banks in deposits and customer numbers. Experts have attributed this revolution to adherence to guidelines set by regulatory bodies, including the Central Bank of Kenya (CBK), attractive loan interest rates, quick processing of loans, and favourable returns through interest and end of year dividend…

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