Imenti Sacco to empower members and farmers

By Munene Maina
Imenti Sacco has embarked
on training farmers and other
Sacco members to carry out
their agricultural activities for
commercial purposes.
The Sacco Chief Executive
Officer, Judy Ngatha said that
most farmers were not carrying
out their activities for commercial
purpose but purely for subsistence
and reiterated the Sacco’s
desire to change this trend
through capacity building.
The CEO said they had partnered
with Agri-Terra, a development
agency founded and steered
by Dutch farmers’ organizations
and Co-operative agri-business
in achieving these targets.
“This will enable us assist
our members fight poverty. We
are targeting dairy farmers and
coffee farmers who will channel
their produce-payout through our
FOSA,” Ms Ngatha said.
She emphasized that the Sacco
was focused to change Meru
residents’ livelihoods for the
better by offering products that
were tailor-made to their diverse

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