Sacco Review

Members’ lethargy fuelling corruption in Saccos-Official

By Azael Masese Failure by co-operative members to interrogate the performance of their respective organisations has been identified as a weakness that needs urgent remedy. Intriguingly, this happens even in Savings and Credit Cooperative Organisations (Saccos) where majority of the members are the elite, leading to embezzlement of members’ savings. State Department of Co-operatives Senior…

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Dormant societies put on notice

By Munene Maina The State Department of Co-operative has issued a notice to dormant co-operative societies to shape up or close shop. Permanent Secretary in the department Ali Ismail said they will liquidate all non-performing societies in the country. Statistics from government indicate that more than half of over 21,000 registered societies are inactive. In…

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Imarika Sacco extends wings to Bamba

By Peter K. Angore Imarika Sacco has officially opened a new branch at Bamba trading centre. This brings the number of the Sacco’s fully fledged branches to seven. The new branch comes as relieve to the members and residents especially in the hinterland of Ganze Sub-county who will now get services closer home. Kilifi County…

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Govt urges Saccos to avoid external borrowing

By Musa Radoli The Senior Deputy Co-operative Commissioner, Geoffrey Jang’ombe has told the co-operative societies in the country to avoid borrowing externally from the commercial financial institutions even if they were hard pressed by their liquidity status due to delays to get remittances from the County or National governments ministries. “Savings and credit societies are…

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