Sacco Review

A Quelea bird. Photo Courtesy.

Irrigation agency to begin aerial spraying against birds ravaging rice farms

Rice farmers have been assured of their produce’s safety after the National Irrigation Authority (NIA) announced its collaboration with the Department of Crop Protection to mitigate the effects of Quelea birds that have been ravaging their farms. West Kenya Schemes (WKS) Manager Kennedy Ouma said that they will initiate a massive campaign to fight the…

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Adopt AI technology to ensure compliance in auditing, ICT players urged

Players in the Information, Communication and Technology (ICT) industry have been encouraged to adopt Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology while conducting audit exercises and ensuring conformity to governance compliance in the process. Speaking during the Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC) conference hosted by ISACA Kenya Chapter and held at Sarova Imperial Hotel in Kisumu, Deputy Auditor…

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Eco-Pillar Sacco launches campaign to recruit more members

Eco-Pillar Sacco has launched a major recruitment campaign to admit more members, especially teachers, in West Pokot sub-county and its environs. Led by Lodwar branch Head of Marketing Naomi Loribo, the Sacco marketing team hit the road beginning with Tampalal Primary School where they engaged with teachers while sensitizing them on the importance of saving…

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